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Lunch time had arrived and Hecate had no idea what to do. Should she be a good friend and stay with Enid, who looked as though she didn't have many friends but infact probably had loads of fake ones or should she be a good friend and go and find Xavier Thorpe?

"Go find him." Enid said, nudging Hecate with a playful smirk and wiggle of her brows. Hecate hated that.

"Shut it." She mumbled, rolling her eyes before quickly scanning the courtyard for any sign of her new friend, who was no where to be seen. Had he set her up? Had he told her to meet him only to brag to his friends about how easy she was to manipulate? "I'm just...gonna head to our room." She said to Enid with a smile, trying to convince the girl that everything was fine before the blonde werewolf could even question it.

"Oh-okay!" Enid said with a bright smile before skipping off and away, out of sight. Now that her new roommate was gone, Hecate was left to breathe out in relief before standing straight and rolling her shoulders. She was convinced that Xavier was a play-boy and had set her up, but to be sure she gave the courtyard a second look over, but there was still no sight of Xavier.

What if he didn't mean to meet at the courtyard?

As the thought swirled in her mind, Hecate shook her head and began walking away, back inside. Her white shoes hit against the floor, and her eyes kept scanning the surroundings. She was near the stairs that would eventually lead to Ophelia Hall, where her bed begged for her body to lie on it.

"Boo." A whisper came through her ears, clear as day, and Hecate jolted backwards, her eyes rolling into her head as she seemed to go into a trance.

As Hecate came-to a boy stood in front of her. His chest was heaving heavily, as though he was breathing quickly and deeply, however, he made no sound. His skin held a blue tint to it whilst his facial features looked rather dead. His eyes were dark and lifeless, his dark blonde - pretty much brunette - hair was wet and stuck to his face.

"What the-" she glanced at his clothing, which was soaking wet and stuck to the boy like glue, however, a red patch in the middle of his torso stuck out like a sore thumb to her. The diluted redness that surrounded a darker red patch made her frown and lean forwards, her fingers inching closer to the blue material - which looked like a dark grey in reality - to try and get a better look at what the redness was. "Blood." She whispered, finally realising what it was before she even touched it. When she looked up at the boy all she could focus on was the slight foaming at the mouth. "Rabies? No, of course not." She shook her head, scolding herself for being so stupid.

As Hecate Addams glanced around, she realised no one was near her bar this strange boy. Wasn't it just bustling with students who were all chatting away about whatever they usually gossiped about?

"What's going on?" She said to herself, turning in circles. She was worried about the chill that ran slowly down her spine, making her squirm slightly as she faced the boy once more. She noticed a drop of water run down his face and she wondered to herself on whether or not this boy was dead or dying. "Are you dying?" She asked him, receiving nothing in response.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now