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The next time Hecate opened her eyes, the sun was shining through the spider-web window of her dorm, and she had been tucked into bed. With a gasp, she flung the duvet covers off of her body and couldn't help but shudder at the slight coldness she felt. Her muddy uniform made her frown, a little saddened by the state it was in, and she was quick to grab a set of clothes from her drawers. 

"Hattie?" Enid mumbled, her eyes barely opening. She hadn't gotten much sleep last night, afraid that whatever happened to Hecate would happen again. In which, by worrying so much, Enid ended up waking every half hour. 

"Can't talk." The girl in question was quick to respond as she stumbled towards the bathroom, going to get dressed. Once she had returned, she took minimal notice of the fact Enid was now snoring softly, sleep having a tighter grip on her than ever. "Sleep well." Hecate whispered, however, not understanding why Enid was sleeping in at almost midday. 

Tucking in her white tank top, Hecate left the dorm and rushed down the hallways of Nevermore Academy, speeding towards the exit. She had to get to the mayor's office and hope she can think of a way to get her mother, father and sister out of jail. 


"Mayor-" Hecate panted, practically bursting through the door, however, her eyes were immediately caught onto the two darkly dressed figures in the room and she let her mouth hang agape. 

 "As i was about to say," Morticia began as she pulled a tight-lipped smile at the mayor that sat on his desk, "thank you for seeing us at such short notice, Mr. Mayor." 

"Yes, well, veiled threats have that effect." Mayor Walker replied with a slightly frustrated gaze as he looked upon the Addams women. 

"Garrett Gates wasn't killed by a stab wound." Wednesday revealed as she took a step forwards, her hands clutching a black handkerchief of which she laid on the desk in front of the mayor. The finger rolled a little and Hecate grimaced, still not a hundred percent comfortable with the fact her sister has snatched a piece of a dead body. 

The mayor coughed and covered his mouth with a hand, trying his best to not let his discomfort show in regard to the dead guy's finger that was on his desk now. 

"That blue sheen is a telltale sign of nightshade poisoning." Morticia explained to the mayor. 

"But you already knew that didn't you?" Wednesday accused and Hecate's eyes widened as she mumbled an 'oh, shit'. "Because back when you were sheriff, you were in charge of the case and covered it up." The mayor averted his gaze from everyone as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. The truth was there, in the open, in his sigh.

"Ansel Gates hated outcasts and Nevermore." The mayor said with a little venom in his tone. "He claimed the land the school was built on was stolen from his family over two hundred years ago. Garrett went there that night to spike the punch and kill all the kids at that dance. Ansel confessed the whole thing to me in a drunken stupor. It was his idea." 

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now