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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Alright, Miss Light," Sheriff Galpin sat down on his chair behind his wooden desk, "I've got some good news for you."

"Mrs. Thornhill is actually alive, just like what I told you before you threw me in a cell?" You instantly snapped back, already fed up with being in this police station long enough. The Sheriff looked up at you from the paper on his desk, gaze reflecting his annoyance. "Yes, Principal Weems called this morning." He continued to scribble a bunch of words down on a document, "Mrs. Thornhill reported that she felt like she was in a dark room for a while then jumped into her classroom suddenly, right where she left off."

"Wait, she called this morning?" You repeated his choice of words, "Why didn't you let me go as soon as you heard I was innocent?"

"Because I was dealing with something else at that moment."

You watched the Sheriff glance over his shoulder and through his large office window, you followed his eyes to see what caught his attention. There was a boy leaning on another officer's desk, arms crossed over his chest, staring right back at you. It was a little startling at first, but then his facial expression softened once he saw you looking.

You couldn't stare for long before Sheriff Galpin cleared his throat to get your attention. "Right, so you're be free to go back to Nevermore Academy and talk to Principal Weems, your charges have been dropped."

You couldn't help but slip out a small smirk at the site of the Sheriff's gloomy face and the obvious dread in his voice. You knew he secretly wanted you to be found forever guilty, just so you could be the reason why the Nevermore Academy gets shut down for schooling "monsters". However, you were too tired to argue about it, so you stood up from the wooden chair and exited his office.

As you walked closer to the front doors of the police station, you could feel the boy from before's eyes analyzing you. It sent shivers down your back, until the coldness of a hand on your shoulder sent an overlapping wave of shivers. You stopped dead in your tracks, turning quickly to see who the hand belonged to. "Hey," The same boy stood a lot closer to you, "Are you that girl who killed a teacher at Nevermore?"

Ouch. That's your first impression? Is this incident going to be what you're known for? Will this follow you for the rest of your life?

"I didn't kill her, y'know," Your reply was sharp as you slowly remove his hand from your shoulder. "I just accidentally used my ability on her, she's still walking and talking."

"Oh, I'm sorry," The boy let out a large exhale that he'd been holding in ever since he approached you. "That's just what my dad told me."

"Your dad?" Your eyebrows furrowed until you saw who he was eyeing behind him. "Sheriff Galpin is your dad?" The boy smiled and nodded at his feet until he picked up his head to meet your eyes once more, "My name is Tyler, Tyler Galpin."

You sent him a smile, "Y/N, Y/N Light."



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