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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

Sorry for the late chapter, I took 2-3 days off because of these 9 hour classes I'm taking over Winter Break, but I'm trying to push through as best as I can! Also, a Wednesday x Reader book is in the works! I'll keep you updated :]


"I can't believe I'm doing this." You talked to yourself as you fixed your hair after it getting messed up from the weather. You were currently standing outside the door belonging to Sheriff Galpin, Tyler's dad. Tyler hadn't been at his job in a while, so this was your last resort. You didn't want to seem obsessive, but you were seriously worried about him, especially after that talk with Mrs. Thornhill.

You took a few deep breaths, then hit your knuckles on the wood to signal your presence. You remember Tyler mentioning how his dad is never home, so Tyler should be the only one that would answer the—

"How the hell did you find my address?" You looked up to see Sheriff Galpin out of uniform in the doorway. "Oh, Mr. Galpin, I didn't know you were home?" You seriously didn't think there was any possibility of him being off duty, it's in the middle of the day on a Friday.

The man leaned on the door with his arms crossed, "You didn't answer my question."

"With all due respect," You chuckled nervously, "Everybody knows your address, you're literally the Sheriff." The man in question didn't respond, just let out an exasperated sigh. It was awfully clear that he did not like you, for whatever reason, which made the interaction even more awkward than usual.

"Anyway," You swallowed your nerves, "Is Tyler home? I wanted to speak with him."

He didn't budge, "Why does it matter to you?"

You clenched your fists, "Because I'm—"

"Dad, it's fine." The voice you longed to hear emerged from further in the house, Sheriff Galpin turned around while you looked over his shoulder. It was Tyler, the same Tyler from what feels like forever ago, yet he looked a bit different. What you noticed first was his eyes, they were dull, not the usual sparkling green color you could stare at for hours. His eye shape had a dark outline underneath, heavy bags hanged low and boldly, like the last time he slept was with you in your dorm room. His skin was pale, the color had washed out like ringing out the water from a wash cloth.

You couldn't push any words out from your throat, your breath was taken away, and not in a romantic way. "Tyler—"

Your hiccup cut you off mid-speech, making you press your hand over your mouth in shock. Sheriff Galpin turned his back on you to place his hand on his son's shoulder and whisper in his direction. "You know this girl? What did I say about those Nevermore kids?" Tyler firmly wrapped his fingers around his father's wrist, pulling his hand off his shoulder. The older man gave him the side eye before shaking his head while walking deeper into the house, vanishing into another room.

It was just you and Tyler, standing face to face. This is what you've wanted for days now, but you'd never want to see Tyler in a depressive state like this. What happened to him after he left your dorm?

You didn't even know where to start, there were so many unanswered questions being withheld in your brain, eager to let them out one by one, but you couldn't. "You can't be here." Your heart plummeted down to your stomach, like it was sitting at the climax of a rollercoaster track, until Tyler's words pushed the cart down. "Tyler," You reach for his hand, but he snatched it away before you could make contact.

"I'm serious," Tyler's voice stayed monotoned, "You have to go, Y/N."

"Why, Tyler?" You choked on your spit, tears fighting your bottom row of eyelashes to drop down your face. "Why are you pushing me away all of a sudden?"

Tyler looked away from you, he didn't look hurt, he looked gone. Tyler didn't look like Tyler, like someone had taken his skin and wrapped it around a machine so it could pretend to be human.

Your heart had formed cracks,
but his had been shattered.



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