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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"You guys didn't have to walk me to my dorm, seriously." You leaned on the door frame leading to your room as Enid and Wednesday stood outside of it. "It's the least we could do after almost getting you killed," Enid awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, "For the second time." You nodded, knowing that was true, as the story you told them was that you were hiding from the Hyde behind the tree... not helping him.

"Well, I'm going to go to bed now, it's been a long day." You begin to close your door behind Wednesday puts her foot in front of it, leaving a small gap between the two of you. "And, you're sure you didn't see it transform? You were chasing after it for a long time."

You leaned closer towards Wednesday's face with a familiar stone-cold face shown. "I'm sure, or are you just trying to find another way to put me back on your suspect list? Face it, Wednesday, you can't face the fact that you were wrong, and not as smart as you claim to be." You look over at Enid, "Goodnight."

You slam the door in both of their faces, Wednesday only having a fraction of a second left to spare before getting her foot hit by the impact. You faced your back on the door, then sank to the floor. What sucked the most is that you knew Wednesday was right, the Hyde is Tyler, but why would you give her the satisfaction of being right? Not to mention, you still care about Tyler, and who knows what Wednesday would do to him?

That's when you remembered what happened that night, you managed to send him to that mysterious void and he hasn't returned back to the real world. Your head started to hurt, so you tried to stand up from the ground but winced from the injury on your hand. You didn't notice last night, but you had created a deep cut in your palm, the blood had dried but it still was painful. You stood up using your other hand, then walked over to your nightstand to grab a bandage.

You didn't realize that you reached for it using the hand with no glove, so it immediately disappeared once you made contact with it. Fucking hell, you cursed yourself in your head, I need to get a replacement glove as soon as possible. You sighed annoyingly while dragging your feet to another table in your room, using your other hand to open the cabinet and grab out pain killers. You slid open the cap and popped two pills in your mouth, using leftover water from your water bottle to wash it down. You put the object down and rubbed your eyes as you walked to your small bed.

Today was... eventful, to say the least.

You flopped down onto your bed and rolled over on your side, inserting your hand underneath your pillow for more support. You begin to close your eyes, and not even a second after, your pillow disappears. You look at the hand that was underneath you pillow and forgot it didn't have a glove, again. You let out a frustrated groan and laid fully on your back, now staring at the ceiling.

You closed your eyes then began to really think about the situation you've put yourself in. You try to be optimistic; Wednesday knows that you're not the Hyde now, so you'll be included in all of her investigations and theories. However, that's the only good thing about this outcome, everything else is terrible.

Your train of thought didn't last long before going to the Tyler Station. He's alone in the void with no food or water, and although Mrs. Thornhill managed to survive because technically you can live without food or water for a week, what if he's there for longer? What if by the time he comes back, he's just a rotting corpse? You began to panic, but tried to go back to optimism thinking. Instead, what if in the void, he doesn't get hungry, thirsty, or tired? Since it's not real life, his human needs might've disappeared along with his existence, maybe his injury doesn't hurt anymore!

That would be a big What If, but it's the only one keeping you sane at the moment.

Your brain was extremely active at the time, preventing you from getting some real sleep. So, you tried to get yourself more comfortable, despite having a pillow, and rolling into a different position. However, because you had your eyes closed, you didn't realize that you were so close to the edge of the bed. You felt yourself roll off the side, falling off the elevated surface.

You waited for your body to slam onto the ground... but it never happened. How tall is your bed from your floor? You feel like you've been falling for ages... but at the same time, it didn't feel like you were falling at all.

As much as you didn't want to, you opened your eyes, knowing the moment you do you're gonna face-plant onto the wooden floor. But, when you did, your vision was still dark. Like, you never opened your eyes, or you were just in a really dark room with no lights on.

Nonetheless, you didn't feel yourself hit anything. So, you turned your head to look around, then you saw something on the ground. You felt yourself blink a few times.

"Why is my pillow here?" You spoke out loud, tilting your head at the sight. You felt like you were standing in a dark room, yet the pillow was bright, but still not becoming a weird source of light. You began to walk towards it, thinking maybe you were dreaming. and crouched down to pick it up. This is the same pillow that disappeared from your bed.

Before you could figure it out, you heard something. "Hello?" Someone. But, not just anyone. You whipped your head around immediately, seeing a figure approaching you from the distance. "Y/N?"

You stood up, "Tyler?"



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