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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"And, where have you been exactly?" Wednesday didn't wait a single moment to start interrogating you. "Wednesday, come on," Enid closed her dorm door behind you, "She just walked in, give her a break."

"Woah, am I in trouble?" You playfully replied as you stood in the middle of the equally divided room, both girls now presented in front of you. "If you're innocent, then you have nothing to worry about." Wednesday stepped forward, "Are you worried?" You shook your head, Wednesday nodded. "Good, so you wouldn't mind sharing what you've been up to all day? We couldn't find you anywhere."

"Even though it's none of your business," You rocked back and forth on your feet, "I've been at therapy. I now have appointments two times every week because of the attack."

Wednesday cocked an eyebrow, "Wouldn't happen to be with Dr. Kinbott, would it?"

You closed your eyes subtly, "It would be."

Wednesday turned on her heel to walk back to her desk, "Hm, interesting."

"Oh come on, cut Y/N some slack." Enid followed her roommate to her side of the room, "So what that her and Tyler have the same therapist? Big deal!" You tilt your head, "Tyler goes to therapy?" Wednesday didn't turn around to respond properly, "Yes, though he spends significantly more time with her than all her other clients."

You frowned at the thought, not because you think it's suspicious of him, but because you had no idea he needed help with some personal issues. You dwelled more on the fact, should you talk to him about it? Get him to open up? Or should you just be a healthy distraction?

"Anyway," Wednesday didn't give you time to respond to her previous allegation before starting up a new one, "Tyler is my biggest suspect for being the Hyde, but Dr. Kinbott is my biggest suspect for being his master at the moment." You took a few steps closer to the duo with your arms crossed, "And where am I on this list with your newfound information?" Wednesday looked over her shoulder at you with a stone-cold face, "About, third place on the 'master' list."

"Wednesday, that's not fair and you know that!" Enid defended you, "You remember what Thing told you about what she said to Principal Weems, right?" Wednesday shrugged, "Of course I do, but that could just be a cover up to catch me off guard."

"Woah woah woah," You put both your hands out, "What I said to Principal Weems? What are you talking about?" Enid's guilty smile slipped out, "Thing may or may not have been spying on you for the past few days, including you and Principal Weems' discussion where you referred to Wednesday as your friend."

"Oh, well yeah," You tensed down, "I know Wednesday doesn't see us as friends, and I respect that, but I couldn't stand by and let our own Principal talk about her like that."

Enid stared at you in awe then turned to the uninterested girl, "See, Wednesday? Is that what an evil master of a scary monster would say?" Wednesday gave Enid the side eye, "They could." You sighed, "I can't ever win with you, can I?"

Suddenly, a ding from your back pocket echoed throughout the room. You pulled out your cellphone and unlocked it, seeing the audio came from a text message. You smiled, tapping your thumbs away on the bright screen in silence, leaving Enid and Wednesday in the dark. "So," Enid leaned over to eavesdrop, "Wanna tell us who you're texting?"

You snickered, "Oh, it's no one, really."

"No one?" Detective Wednesday stepped in with her imaginable magnifying glass, "Your red expression, obnoxious tapping, and the reflection through your eyes makes it painfully obvious that you're lying to us."

You looked up for a split second to give Wednesday a certain look, "I didn't mean it literally. It's just nobody important, don't worry about it, seriously."

"Oh, so Tyler isn't important?" You froze as you looked away from Enid for a few seconds and she suddenly had a hold of your phone. "Hey, Enid! Give it back, seriously!"

"You were hiding the fact that you were talking to Tyler?" Wednesday was now giving you a certain look from across the room, "Strange." Enid tilt her head at her unfiltered friend, "Wednesday, don't do this again."

You finally snatched the phone from Enid's grip once she was distracted. It took you so long due to of claws stretched out protecting the small object. "Look, I don't know what you're trying to insinuate here, but Tyler isn't who you're making him out to be. You can make up whatever theories about me, I know no matter what I do or say, you'll always be suspicious of me, and I've learned to live with it. But, that doesn't mean you can treat Tyler, an innocent person, the same way."

The room went quiet, air getting more dense as you and Wednesday had what you thought was some sort of staring contest, but on the other hand, she was trying to read your mind. Then, she turned around back to her desk. "Fine, I won't talk about him anymore unless I get more evidence to prove my theory."

You sighed, "Thank you, Wednesday. Now, I've gotta run, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Enid's smirk revealed itself as you were walking towards the door to leave, but she couldn't keep her mouth shut until then. "Gotta go run to Tyler, right?" You turned around to see Enid giggling playfully, "Don't let me stop you, go have fun."

You didn't have the patience to bubble up a smart response for her, so you just left the scene with Enid claiming victory.



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