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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"You guys didn't have to walk me here, I told you I'm fine." You tried your best to shoo off Enid and Wednesday once you made it to the cafe. "Nope! This has turned into a girls trip," Enid put her arm around the two of you, "Whether you like it or not." The gesture didn't last more than a second before Wednesday pulled away, "I didn't come here for you two, I came here to question Tyler, that's all."

"Come on, Wednesday!" Enid exaggerated her groaning, making you double check the faces behind you to see if anyone's looking your way. "We all need to spend time together! Take a break from your investigation, you earned it."

"No thank you," Wednesday didn't hesitate to refuse the offer. "I don't have any time to waste."

Wednesday stepped ahead from the group to push open the Weathervane Cafe doors, heading straight to the front desk while you stand at the entrance with Enid. You looked over at the booth you and Tyler sat at just two nights ago, the two of you shared such a sentimental moment with one another, then you didn't hear from him since. "How's your back healing?" Enid sprout a random conversation starter to kill time. "It's fine, don't worry about it." You shook your head at her consistent thought of your well-being, and although it is comforting, it makes you feel more guilty the more you lie about your injury.

It was still very painful, restricting you from daily tasks. You even pulled one of your stitches out after bending down to pick up something you dropped. You ended up paying a visit at the hospital in secrecy from your school, getting properly looked at by a doctor without feeling bad having your friends witness the truth. Yeah, you have frequent doctor appointments, but the expectation is to be laying in bed or at least sitting in a chair for most of your days, as you refuse to spend your nights at the hospital.

Unfortunately, that's not possible when you're in the middle of a monster investigation slash interrogation... oh, and you go to Nevermore. That surely doesn't help on it's own.

You snapped out of zoning out looking at the booth once you saw Wednesday approaching you and Enid from your peripheral vision. "Tyler isn't working today," Wednesday displayed one of her very few expressions; concern. "Was he working yesterday?"

"No, I didn't see him at all." You responded with a exasperated sigh at the end. From the little time you've known him, you already knew this wasn't normal behavior for him. Though, you did meet him under strange circumstances.

You pull out your phone from your pocket and open up his contact to text him. Your thumbs swiped quickly on the digital keyboard, sending out a couple messages for extra measure. "All of the messages say delivered, meaning his phone's working, so I'm confused why he's not responding." You sighed and stored your phone away in your pocket.

"When you're transformed into a Hyde, you can't really text back unfortunately." Wednesday sarcastically responded. "Wednesday, stop with that," You look over at Enid and her facial expression. "Wait— you believe it too? Enid!" Enid relaxed her shoulders, "I know, I'm sorry! I think I've been hanging around Wednesday too much."

"Surely there's something he can do to clear his name." You pleaded the girl, but her expression didn't change. "There is a way to prove his innocence," Wednesday's eyes turned more malicious, "If you're willing to go through the lengths." You took a moment to yourself before answering, "This would be the last time you accused him?" Wednesday nodded, "If it goes according to plan, then yes."

You and Enid both knew this was going to be a terrible idea, putting your lives at risk once again just for a theory. Nonetheless, you stood tall, "What do I have to do?"



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