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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Oh shit, it really is you." Tyler yelled out so his voice could travel the long distance between the two of you. You hurried to him, running on what feels like nothing and no wind blew past you, everything was still up till you went to give him a hug. Tyler didn't hesitate to lean into your embrace, your familiar smell making his knees weak. You had your arms on top of his shoulders and around his neck loosely, resting your head in the crook of his neck.

It had only been a few hours since you last saw him, but constantly thinking and worrying about him made it seem like forever.

You pulled away to look at his injury, relieved to see it newly wrapped with a cloth a lot more practical than your ripped shirt. You looked back up at him, trying your best not to stare at his bare chest for too long. "How did you manage to re-wrap it?" Tyler smiled at you, "Oddly enough, a random wrap of bandages dropped from literally out of nowhere a few feet in front of me."

That's when it dawned on you; the bandage you tried grabbing earlier from your room had disappeared! "Oh," You voiced the reasoning, "I did that, I tried grabbing it for my hand but it disappeared. I'm glad you got it though!"

Tyler's smile faded, "Your hand? What's wrong with your hand?" Before you could answer, repeating the same 'I'm fine' response to everyone who had asked you, he grabbed your hand to bring it to his eyes. You had a deep cut slashed across your palm, the blood dried up and very dark. "You need to get this looked at," Tyler's concern grew when examining it closer up, "It's too deep to be not wrapped up, it'll get infected."

"Okay, but I don't think I can do anything at the moment." You responded shyly, taking a double look-around at the void that surrounds the two of you. Tyler shook his head, "Right."

There was a silence in between the two of you, Tyler kept your hand in both of his hands, just looking down at it while his finger traces the center of yours. All you could was stare at him, the resting-yet-worried face of his became his new default when he's around you, it made you feel a type of way you've never felt better with anyone else. The way your fingers twitched when he would caress them made a smile twitch onto his face for a second, then it'll disappear soon after.

You tilt your head at him, "What's wrong?"

Tyler couldn't bare to look up at you, "Nothing, just thinking. You don't have to worry."

"Stop doing that," You began to get worried, "You always swallow down your feelings as soon as they surface. You're allowed to feel bad about some things, I promise."

"What's going to happen to you?" Tyler finally picked up his head to look at you in the eyes, the pain reflecting off of his made you upset. "I got you involved in all of this, you know my secret. You're probably—"

"Tyler," You sighed, "This isn't your fault. I still don't know anything about your... situation, but I do know that you're still the same nice guy I met a month ago. I'm not going to tell anyone, especially Wednesday, and I'm gonna help you through this."

Tyler's eyebrows furrowed, "But, why?"

"Because I..." You cleared your throat, "I care about you."

"No, no," Tyler took a step back, letting go of your hand. "You can't, I'll hurt you. You don't understand, Y/N, I don't know anything about what I am, but I do know that she—"

His voice broke in the middle of his sentence, it was getting harder and harder for him to even say these things out loud, because he's never had to before. Nobody has ever learned his secret and stuck with him, but now he doesn't know what to do.

Then, you stepped towards Tyler and cupped both of his trembling hands within yours. "Tyler, we'll figure it out. Me and you."

Tyler's scattered breaths evened out with one deep breath, most of his nerves released after hearing your words. It pains him to rely on you so much, but he's never had any support from someone, and it feels too good to push away.

The two of you sunk down onto the ground, sitting together while still looking at each other and holding hands. You couldn't help but to let your mind wonder while analyzing his facial features, eyes darting from his eyes to his mouth. You hated the fact that even in a vulnerable moment like this, it still didn't stop your mind from thinking about—

Tyler yawning made your impulsive thoughts take a harsh stop. "Tired?" You cut the silence, but all he did was nod his head in agreement.

So, your hand patted your lap, you had long and soft pajama pants on. "Lay your head here." The offer made Tyler hesitate, until you reassured him. "Trust me, we're not going anywhere anytime soon."



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