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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

Planning on making a Wednesday x Fem!Reader book next... will be just as good as this one. Thoughts? Lmk! <3 Appreciate you guys


"Alright, class is dismissed." Mrs. Thornhill's voice along with the ringing school bell made you wake up from your nap, lifting your head up from the table. It was your first day back at school, and you've failed to stay awake throughout the lessons. You had to get up extremely early this morning to shoo Tyler out of your dorm through the window, so you're running on 4 hours of sleep.

As soon as you got out of your seat to gather your belongings, you were the last student left behind in the classroom. You tried to hurry to cut short the awkward silence between you and Mrs. Thornhill, but she cut it for you. "Actually, Y/N," You poked your head up at her walking towards you, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

You sighed, knowing it was about missing so much school work and sleeping in her class, and set your backpack down. She caught onto the worried expression on your face and laughed, "Oh no, you're not in trouble, promise." You were surprised, "Oh okay, what do you need me for then?"

"Just, want to see how you were doing." The teacher's honeyed voice was soothing to listen to, as you could never imagine her raising her voice ever. "I know you were in the hospital for quite some time, and Principal Weems informed me that you hurt yourself again a few days ago. How are you feeling now?"

"Good, really good." You nodded and his your hands behind your back politely, feeling worse lying to the nicest teacher you've ever had compared to Principal Weems. Mrs. Thornhill was pleased by the results, yet continued the conversation. "What were you up to this weekend?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, thinking the answer should be obvious to her. "Mostly just resting in my dorm room."

"Y/N," Mrs. Thornhill leaned in and put her hand up to whisper to you dramatically, "I saw someone climbing out of your window this morning while I was on gate duty."

Your heart dropped, damn, this is the end. You're doomed, surely she would tell Principal Weems, then she'd know you lied and then—

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything." You couldn't believe your own ears, Mrs. Thornhill said that with her full chest and the same smile on her face? Is she serious? "I really appreciate it," You paused, "But I have to ask, why?"

"Because I was once a teenager like you, believe it or not." The woman sent you a lighthearted wink, "Plus, I'm always curious about my students' lives outside of school." You were eager to comply, "Of course, you can ask me anything you'd like." You felt like you owed it to her at the very least for always excusing you.

"Well, let's see," Mrs. Thornhill jumped up on one of the student tables to sit on it. "What's his name?"

You smiled just thinking about it, "Tyler Galpin."

When you looked up at Mrs. Thornhill, her facial expression dropped. "Oh?" She straightened her posture, "The boy who works the Weathervane Café?" You nodded proudly, you should've expected everyone to be acquainted with him because of his friendly spirit and attitude.

"Interesting," Mrs. Thornhill nodded whilst taking mental notes, "And, how long have y'all been a couple?" Your face grew red at the title, it has never crossed your mind until now, and unfortunately it'll be a while before the idea gets out of your head. But, for now, everything is too hectic to even consider. It'll stress you out, and it'll definitely stress Tyler out.

You shyly grinned from ear to ear, "Oh, we're not a couple—"

"Okay, sure, how long have you been seeing each other?" The tone in the woman's voice was different, like its honey had melted into mildew and came off bitter. Nonetheless, you tended to her very personal questions, "Maybe a month now?"

The woman hummed, "And, how does he treat you, exactly?" Your concern level grew in your chest slowly the more you talked to her, "Uhm, he's very kind to me. Well, I'm sure he's like that with everyone, but I feel comfortable with him. Everything is just... easier when I'm around him."

Mrs. Thornhill nodded her head in silence, just staring at you— no, through you, like she was deep in thought. Her zoned out gaze felt heavy landed on you, making your eyelids subconsciously stay open widely. You mumbled, "Mrs. Thornhill? Everything alright?" Just then, she popped back into reality, plastering her old smile for you. "Yes! Sorry, it's been a long day. You should get going, it's your free period, enjoy it."

Your teacher hopped off the table and walked over to her desk in the middle of the room, but instead of getting your things ready, you just observed her behavior. She left you feeling uneasy, and why does the air feel different between the two of you all of a sudden?

"Right," Your short reply was all that you could muster out, now hurrying to collect everything off of your table. You start to walk out, but then stop in your tracks right at the exit door. "Mrs. Thornhill," You turned to look at the woman, "Why did you want to know so much about me and Tyler?"

Mrs. Thornhill winked, "Just call me curious."



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