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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Come in!" Principal Weems called out after hearing a sequence of knocks at her office door. You opened the door, a look of shock plastered the Principal's face. "Y/N, I didn't expect to see you so soon," Principal Weems set her papers aside, "Wednesday said you'd be out for about a week." You walked towards her desk and stood properly in front of the woman, "The Doctor said I recovered nicely, so I was dismissed early. I insisted because I wanted to get back here and get back on track with work."

"Oh, now see," Principal Weems smiled fondly, "That's what I like about you. No matter what happens, you're always thinking ahead and putting your responsibilities first. We need more students like you."

"Of course," You traded smiles, "It's gonna take more than a monster attack to stop me." Principal Weems pulled out a document from a pile of papers, "That bear certainly did a number on you though, but I'm glad you're back on your feet."

You thought about her sentence, then spoke up about it. "Bear? No, Principal Weems, that wasn't a bear. It was a monster, trust me, I saw it with my own eyes!" Principal Weems didn't look back up at you, instead she kept her eyes on the document in front of her, grabbing a pen from her desk. "Miss Light," She began to write down something, "A devastating event like that can alter your memories, thinking you saw something you didn't. It was traumatic for you, so I understand."

"No, I can assure you I'm fine," You take a step forward. "But, I'm serious. Wednesday said they're called—"

Principal Weems snapped her fingers, causing you to jump. "See? That was your first mistake; talking to Wednesday Addams. She's putting these terrible ideas in her head to mess with you, that's what she does best."

You didn't know what to do but just stare at the woman in front of you, the woman who's suppose to love all of her students equally, yet has so much to say about Wednesday. Sure, the girl is odd, but isn't this academy supposed to be a home for the odd ones? If you can't accept ones that are more odd than most, then this is no better than a normie public school.

"Principal Weems, if I may," You didn't realize that you started talking out loud until she looked up at you, so you had to continue. "Don't talk about Wednesday like that, she's your student and I won't listen to you talk badly about her because..."

You took a deep breath in and out, "Because she's my friend."

Principal Weems' eyes went wide, then she laughed and shook her head. "Right, that was unprofessional of me, I apologize, Miss Light." You watched in silence as the woman had no remorse on her face after her "apology", and finished writing down stuff on the document from before. "Anyways," Principal Weems put her pen down and folded her hands on her desk, "I've scheduled an appointment once a week for the next month with Dr. Kinbott."

You were caught off guard, "Oh! Uh, good for you, Principal Weems."

"Hm?" The woman looked up at you, "This is for you, Miss Light."

"Wait, what?" You tilt your head at the woman's words, "Ma'am, I don't need a therapist, trust me I'm perfectly fine."

Principal Weems gave you a look, "Honey, you almost got mauled by a bear!"

You raised your finger to correct her, "A monster."

"Right, a monster." Principal Weems sighed and look back at the document one last time, "I'm gonna change it to two times a week."



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