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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

Happy New Year's ... it's time for the year and the book to come to an end. : )


"Okay, let's try this again." You huffed in the wooden chair pulled up in front of your small desk, staring at the blank paper blinking back at you. You've been at this for two hours, and don't even know where to start. You eye the wooden pencil in your hand, twirling it around aimlessly as you drown in thought. Is writing in lead too informal? Should you get a pen instead? What color though? Wait, is that even a question? "Black," You stood up for the fifth time from your chair, "Definitely a black pen."

Your fingers twiddled with the numerous objects in the small container, a mix of pencils, mechanical pencils, color pencils, highlighters, markers... but no black pens in sight. You take a few steps to the left and bend down to search through your nightstand, surely you'd have a black pen laying around somewhere, right?

"Damn," Wrong, you were left in denial. "Who the hell doesn't have a black pen?"

Above your nightstand was a wide window, curtains of the most beautiful shade of crimson covered quarters of it, but you were still able to see parts of the backyard. You watched as two dogs from your early childhood ran circles around each other, using the blades of grass to push off of for a boost in speed. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of them play fighting by the fence, refreshing your memories from when you were younger. Then, an amazing idea generated in your head, making you race to the other side of your bedroom. You shuffled around a few of your discarded belongings, then reveal the item you were searching for; a polaroid camera you got for Christmas.

You hurried back before the dogs moved out of the window frame, adjusting the lens in front of your eye. You peaked through the small camera view, pinching your other eye shut to fully focus on the screen. The rapid motions from the dogs makes it quite the challenge to take the perfect picture... but it happened eventually. A click signaled from the vintage camera, a flash following it, then shortly after a photo printing out from the bottom. You're confident in the results, eagerly swiping the photo out and shaking it a bit.

In that moment, you hear a dog barking from inside the house, making you halt in place. Last time you checked, you only had two dogs, and they were both in the yard... so who's dog is in the house? You put the camera and processing picture on your bed, totally forgetting about the original task at hand as you walk out of the room.

As soon as you take three steps out the door, all of your questions were answered, leaving you with a sigh. Tyler was playing with a puppy on the ground in the middle of the living room, totally blind at his new audience. You put your hand over your mouth to muffle your laugh, leaning on the doorway as your eyes followed the duo. As precious as the dog was, you kept looking at Tyler's face instead, he's been much happier these past few months than you've ever seen. He used to be masking his pain, but now he's been more transparent about his troubles and allowing you to pull him out of the rubble.

"Tyler," You announced your presence, making Tyler jump up in shock. "Who's that?"

Tyler knew he'd been busted, "Okay, don't get mad, but they were going to move him to a different animal shelter tomorrow. I couldn't have just left him!"

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