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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

My personal vacation time from this story is OVER! I will be updating on time and maybe even giving y'all extra chapters! Thank you for being patient LMAO Love you all, thank you for almost 90k reads and 4k votes <3


"Oh my god, you again?" Sheriff Galpin closed the door to his office for more privacy. "First you come to my house, now you're in my office as soon as I walk through the door?"

You didn't try to lift up your dangling head at the man talking to you, eyes glued at analyzing the texture of the carpet beneath your feet. You felt like a wind-up doll whose ran out of spring power to move, sitting helplessly on a chair awaiting your owner's arrival. As your days went by, your grasp onto reality had been slowly slipping from your palms, your fingers pinched on the last remaining thread.

Sheriff Galpin walked past you to sit in his desk chair, "How long have you been in here?"

"Doesn't matter," You disregarded the question, but the answer was many hours. "What's wrong with Tyler?"

"Excuse me?" The Sheriff leaned forward, "There's nothing wrong with my son. In fact, what's wrong with you?"

You cranked your head to look at the man with angry eyes. "If you seriously have not noticed your son's change in behavior, then you're a bad father." That's what made the man snap up from his chair, "What the hell did you just say to me? Who do you think you are?"

You tilt your head, "Tyler's girlfriend."

"Yeah right," He scoffed, "My son would never want to be seen with a Nevermore kid."

"See, that's where you're wrong," Your patience grew thinner, stretching like a rubber band on the verge of splitting. "Your son is only seen with Nevermore kids, but I don't expect you to know that, so it's alright."

Sheriff Galpin clenched his fists in anger, wanting to punch a hole in his office wall. Though, it wouldn't have been the first time.

"Still skeptical?" You mocked an innocent expression on your face, "He's meeting my family on Winter Break. A little faster than I expected, but I'm fine with it."

The Sheriff planted his fists on his wooden desk, using it as support for him to lean forward and look at your face. "I don't remember him saying that."

You put the cherry on top of the news, "That's because he said that in my bed at my dorm room in Nevermore."

His jaw dropped, mouth hanging loosely open as you stood up from your chair to stand in front of his desk. Before all of this, you wanted to not get on Mr. Galpin's nerves too much since you plan to stay in Tyler's life for a while. Unfortunately, things change, people change. He'll learn to understand... hopefully.

"Now that I've got your attention," You stood tall with your arms crossed, "I know that you've realized Tyler's sudden change in character, no matter how long you're out of his life, you know what's going on."

The Sheriff bit his tongue, holding back as best as he could when responding. "What do you want to know." You placed your hands on the desk, "I want to know what's going on." The man squinted his eyes, "He just has a really bad cold, he'll be back up in your dorm room in no time, don't you worry."

"No, Sheriff," You laughed out in his face. "I want you to tell me what you know about him being the monster you've been pretending to search for in this town."

His mouth went dry, swallowing his nerves from revealing themselves on the surface. Still, his strong front stayed, "I have no idea what you're implying about my son, Miss Light."

"Bull fucking shit!" The rubber band of your patience finally snapped. "I can't spell it out anymore for you— he's the fucking Hyde!"

"Out of everybody," Sheriff Galpin relaxed the tension in his body, "Why the hell did he tell you? I told him to not trust people like you."

"Because I care about him and he knows I'll actually help him out of this." You barked back, "That'd why you're gonna tell me where he is."



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