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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Do you see him anywhere?" Enid whispered into your ear, frantically scouting out all the students' faces in the courtyard. "No, not yet." You replied with disappointment, standing on your toes to try and look over people's heads. As you were looking all over the place, you couldn't ignore the fact that a lot of the faces were staring back at you, whispering to each other or quickly turning away to get rid of eye contact. You frowned at the sight, knowing that things probably aren't gonna change anytime soon, you'll be known as a dangerous live wire.

Then, you spotted a group huddled up together near the big tree in the center of the courtyard, and a familiar blue beanie in the circle. "Is that him over there?" Enid poked her head up to look at where you're pointing at.

"Yeah, it is," The girl squinted her eyes, "But why is he hanging out with them?"

Before you knew it, Enid was darting over to the group, making you struggle to keep up with her. You guys didn't anticipate Ajax to be talking to a group no larger than 2 people at a time, so is the plan still the same?

You finally caught up to Enid, whose now the center of attention for the group. "Ajax, can I talk to you for a second?" Enid got straight to the point, not connecting eye contact with anyone but the boy with the beanie. "Oh— yeah, for sure." Ajax was surprised at the request, but was more than happy with it.

The two stepped off to the side, leaving you to awkwardly stand with the group. It consisted of mostly sirens and then... Xavier. Wow this is a very odd group, you thought to yourself as you slowly walk towards Enid and Ajax to escape the awkward tension.

"I didn't know you were friends with them." Enid said with optimism, even though it was a very strange scenario. "Oh, uh— yeah, a talk to them sometimes." Ajax glanced over at the group then back at Enid, rubbing the back of his neck. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh! Right," Enid cleared her throat, "Do you happen to know a 'Tyler'? More specifically, Sheriff Galpin's son?"

Ajax blinked a few times, "Sheriff Galpin has a son?" Enid sighed, "I'll take that as a no."

"Yeah no, sorry Enid," Ajax felt a little bad that he couldn't help her out, but then he got an idea. "I could ask the others though, I'm sure one of them is bound to know who he is." Enid nodded, giving Ajax the signal to meet back with the group.

"Hey guys, quick question." Heads turned towards Ajax, "Do you know Tyler Galpin?"

"Eh, kind of? I know he works at that one cafe." Bianca refreshed her memory. Everyone seemed to somewhat agree, though they didn't know anything beyond that. You were about to lose hope, until Xavier spoke up. "Yeah, I know him alright. I know he's an asshole that you should stay away from."

You and Enid slowly turned to each other, eyes wide, then you turned back to Xavier. "And why do you know that?" Xavier shook his head, "A while back, him and his friends did some pretty messed up things to me, just because I go to Nevermore."

Shit this is not looking good, you thought to yourself and knew Enid was thinking the same. You attempt to redeem him, "Well since it was a while back, surely he's changed, right?" Xavier didn't hesitate to shut your theory down, "Definitely not, normies will always hate us for no reason, I doubt he thinks any different."

You exhaled, well shit.



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