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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

Merry Christmas... Enjoy your present HAHA


"Wait, how did you find me exactly?" Tyler was overly relieved and grateful, of course, but very confused. "Oh, it was simple really," You got a closer look at his chains to see how to unlock them. "I just had a little chat with your dad."

Tyler's concern grew, "Wait, what did you say to him exactly?"

"Nothing to worry about," Your nonchalant attitude threw Tyler in a loop, "But, did you know he has a tracker on your phone?" Now Tyler was convinced this was all just a weird daydream, "No?"

"Oh, well now you know," You finished examining the chains, they were just cylinders over his swollen wrists. "More importantly, how do we get you out of here?" Tyler looked at the ground to gather his thoughts, searching for anything remotely useful to you. "I mean, she has a key on her at all times— but it's too dangerous! She is too dangerous."

"Who, Mrs. Thornhill?" You scoffed, "I think I can take her."

"Wait," Tyler's eyebrows furrowed, "You knew she was the Master? When?"

"A while ago," You crossed your arms and hugged out stored air in your chest, "She was asking a lot of questions about me and you, then my talk with your dad just solidified my gut feeling. It's always the nice ones, too."

All Tyler could do was stare up at you in utter disbelief, seeing you in front of him was like a miracle. Whenever he needed you the most, you'd always find a way to be there. You always came to his rescue, which is embarrassing how many times that had been. But, it didn't matter in the end, because you always stood beside him, you were like a guardian angel to Tyler.

The quiet moment the two of you shared made you realize how beaten up Tyler was, as his shirt was torn to shreds yet still managed to hang loosely around his torso. Through the large rips, you got a peek at dark bruises and old blood from cuts. Your eyes directed back to his chains up hands, seeing his bleeding fingernails with blisters in the creases of his fingers. It hurt you to see him like this, knowing that you maybe could've done something sooner if you just stayed with him longer. You weren't there when he needed you.

"By the look on your face, I already know what you're thinking, I want you to stop immediately." Tyler's cracked voice peeled your eyes away from his hands and to his face. "I know I look like shit, but this is nowhere near your fault, it's Mrs. Thornhill's. She might look like she's not capable of much, but trust me, you're not safe here, Y/N."

On cue, rustling and footsteps on far away stone shot through your right ear, the same direction Mrs. Thornhill went. She was coming back, so you have to act fast. Tyler's voice dropped to a whisper, "Y/N, there's no time, you have to leave me here. If she finds out—"

"Hey hey, no," You bent down to caress his cheek gently with your palm, "Leaving you is not an option. I have a plan, we're both getting out of here. She won't find out, don't worry." As much as it scared him, he rested his head in your hand, putting all of his faith in you.

Tyler planted a kiss on your palm, "If you get hurt, I'd never forgive myself."

You planted a kiss on his forehead, "Good thing you wouldn't have to be the one to apologize in the first place."

You stood up and hurried to the corner of the cave, hearing the footsteps gradually grow closer to the two of you. Luckily, you had just enough time to be out of Mrs. Thornhill's line of sight when walking into the light. "Sorry it took me so long, there's not much down here," The woman's heels stopped at Tyler's knees, making him crank his head to look up at her. "Here you go, catch."

Suddenly, she threw a bone at Tyler's face, him not having the greatest reflex to dodge it. The hard object hit him square in the nose, making him scrunch it a bit to ease the pain. The bone plopped on the ground in front of him, leaving Tyler speechless. This was his meal? What the hell is he supposed to do with this?

Tyler hesitated deeply before speaking barely above a mumble, "Uh, how am I supposed to eat this?" Mrs. Thornhill shrugged, "Just bite on it, that's what you dogs do all the time." When Tyler brung his head back down to eye the bone, that's when a spot of blood dripped on top of it. The source was from one of his nostrils, the bone hitting his nose made a stream of blood flow down his face. "Oh! Wow, would you look at that," Mrs. Thornhill stared at the boy in awe, "You even got something to drink! Today's your lucky day, right?"

Tyler sat there in silence. Damn right it was his lucky day, Tyler thought to himself, if all goes to plan of course. Then again, he didn't have much doubt in his min that it won't. The woman spoke up once again, "Eat up."

"Eat this instead, bitch." Mrs. Thornhill twisted her head around to the voice sourced behind her, only catching a glimpse of the rage in your eyes before your fist made contact with her face. The red head tumbled backwards into the ground, using one hand to cover her nose. You didn't waste another second to straddle over her, about to deliver another punch until a sharp pain entered your side.

"Y/N!" Tyler yelled out, standing up and trying to pull the chains off of his wrists. You looked over at your hip, Mrs. Thornhill had used her other hand to slide a pocket knife fit through your skin like it was butter. You grit your teeth, pushing through the intense pain to grab out something from your pocket. Before the woman underneath her could react, she felt a pinch in her neck in the same second, causing her body to freeze up. You had a tranquilizer on stand by, prepared by Wednesday herself.

"You... You," Mrs. Thornhill slurred her words, lazily pointed at you in the face. "It's you... Why is it always you?" You didn't dare to utter another word to the real monster in front of you, silently watching her slip into unconsciousness. "Damn," You panted in exhaustion, "I finally got that woman to shut up for once."



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