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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"There she is," A faint voice of a woman was heard, "See? You were worrying for nothing." You fluttered your eyes open, though your vision was too blurry from the bright lights to see who exactly was talking. "Right, sorry." Another voice went through your other ear, making your head turn to look at them. That's when your vision managed to clear up more, and saw Tyler staring down at you.

"Alright, I'll go get the Doctor then." The woman from before walked out of your sight, opening a door to exit the room. "Great," Tyler looked back at the woman, "Thanks Nurse."

You tilt your head lazily, "Tyler?" He quickly turned to look at you, "Yeah, I'm here, hi." You giggled, "Hi, are you okay?" Tyler laughed and shook his head, "I should be the one asking you that, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," You quickly flipped the script back onto him, "What about you though? You have dark eye bags."

"That's because he stayed here at the hospital the entire night with you." Wednesday emerged from the corner of the room, Enid lurking behind her. "Y/N! Thank god you're awake," Enid rushed over to the other side of your bed, "I felt awful when Tyler told us what happened."

You attempted to use your leftover strength to pull yourself up, but a wave of pain washed over your body and made your arms lose support on you. You would've fell back into the bed if Tyler didn't put his arm behind you for support. "Woah," He carefully laid you back down, "Easy, you're not going anywhere."

"But, I need to go back to school," Your eyebrows arched in worry, "And you'll miss work." Tyler removed his hand from behind you and put it on your head to stroke your hair, "I took the day off, don't worry about it." Your eyebrows then furrowed together, "But, why? I'm fine on my own."

"No, you're not," Enid put her hand on top of yours, "I would've stayed with you instead, but Tyler beat me to it." You looked at Tyler, then back at Enid. "Okay, but get my work from my classes for me, I don't want to fall behind."

"That won't be necessary," Wednesday stepped up to your bed, "I took matters into my own hands and made sure Principal Weems excused you from all assignments for the next week. All in courtesy of managing to find evidence of Rowan's disappearance." She lifted up the same broken glasses you basically risked your life for, and gave Wednesday a nod. "Does that make us acquaintances yet?"

Wednesday left the room, "Don't push it, I was just making us even."

"Well, I guess I should be going too." Enid stood up on her feet and looked back at you and Tyler, "You better take care of her, and get her everything she asks for, got it?"

Tyler grinned then looked down at you, "You can count on me."



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