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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"We should stop to rest somewhere." Tyler held your arm around the back of his neck so he could pull you to keep up with his movement. "We can't, it's too risky," You bit the bottom of your lip to keep you from letting out any noise that'll tell Tyler how much pain you're in from the stab wound. "I'll be fine, trust me."

"Y/N," Tyler looked over his shoulder at you to show his expression, "You just got stabbed."

You shook your head, "It's really not as bad as it sounds."

"Really?" Tyler tilt his head, "Then why am I carrying you right now?"

You stayed silent to muster up a snarky comment, "Because I'm too lazy to walk."

Tyler couldn't help but smile at your jokes, "If you weren't my girlfriend, I would've dropped you to prove my point."

The title you were granted was like music to your ears, "Too bad you love me."

"Too bad." He turned away from you to pay attention to the direction y'all were headed. You didn't know for sure whether you felt light headed and warm from your cute banter with Tyler... or from blood loss in your hip. You went with the first option to ease your mind, yet you still applied more pressure to your hand against the wound for a more sense of security. This wasn't supposed to happen, you were supposed to be the one helping Tyler out of that mess, but now he's the one helping you. Having Tyler drag you along because your legs are too wobbly to function on their own is embarrassing on its own, but it's worse that this isn't the first time you've been a "Damsel in Distress". No matter how hard you try, you're always the one getting hurt and becoming dead weight to the other person.

"I see a street light in the distance, we must be close to town." Tyler's words of motivation kept you awake, putting more effort into your ankles to push yourself forward. "You still with me?"

"Of course," You said through your jittering teeth, "I'm not giving up that easily."

The distance between the two of you and the light leading to a road was slowly getting smaller, heading towards the actual light felt metaphorical almost. Nonetheless, the trees became more scattered and the path was clear for the two of you to push through and make it, until another obstacle fell into your course.

"Freeze!" The voice of a police officer through a megaphone boomed from the silence of the forest, "Put your hands up!"

Tyler froze, a dozen flashlights shining on him and you like y'all were on a live stage. His grip on your body became tighter, desperately wanting a sense of security from you. So, your own grip on his hand tightened as well, relaying the message.

"I said," The megaphone rang, "Put your hands up!" Tyler called out with a shaky voice, "But— She's hurt! I can't let her go!" More officers slowly drew closer around you two, closing in on you like they were trapping a wild animal. Still, your eyes were glued on the unknown officer speaking. "Put your hands up, or we'll force you to!" You both simultaneously traded looks from your sorrowful eyes, really taking in the situation they were in. Then, Tyler slowly slid your arm off of him, trying to help you maintain a balanced stance before putting his hands up. Luckily, you managed to be steady, slowly raising your arms above your head as officers clasp cold handcuffs onto your wrists.

"Tyler Galpin and Y/N Light," The police officer spoke behind your back, "You're under arrest for brutally murdering people in the forest near Nevermore Academy."

"I'm sorry, what?" You snapped back instantly, your building up rage giving you the strength to stand your ground. "From what evidence, exactly? Where are you getting this from?" The police officer stayed strict, "That is confidential information until your trial in court." You scoffed, "Confidential information— we're being framed for manslaughter, officer. We deserve to know why at least!"

Handcuffs were tightly locked between you and Tyler's wrists separately, allowing the officer to step out in front of you to speak to you directly. "Look kids," He put his hands on his hips as a new pair of officers get a hold of your arms to keep you from fleeing the scene. "All I know is that someone claimed to be a witness and fronted us with evidence, pointing at you two specifically. Not to mention, you're in a forest in the middle of the night, it's not looking too good for either of you."

You and Tyler slowly turned your heads to face each other in shock, practically reading each other's minds. You didn't have to ask anymore questions, as you both knew exactly who was behind all of this; Wednesday.

You cursed in your head, that son of a bitch got me again.



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