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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"This should do the trick." You talk to yourself as you lift up the hood of your black jacket over your head. It's Monday, Enid and Wednesday expected you to talk to Tyler last Friday about Xavier, but that didn't go to plan. Ever since then, you've been camping out at the cafe with Tyler to avoid them, but now things are tricky. You have a few classes with them, but hopefully they're too invested in the so-very-interesting lectures in class that they won't think to look for you.

Part of you felt bad for purposefully ignoring Enid and Wednesday, but the other part of you will feel even worse once they give you the look after finding out you didn't go through with the plan. You need to not draw attention to yourself until you figure out your next move.

You stood a foot away from your dorm's door, taking a deep breath before opening it and walking out into the hallway. Unfortunately, you were stopped dead in your tracks, as Enid and Wednesday were awaiting your exit.

Shit, they're giving you the look.

"Y/N Light," Enid used your full name to enhance the intimidation, "Why are you avoiding us?" Wednesday looked as dead-face as ever when she followed up with, "You're acting suspicious."

"What?" You forced out a fake laugh, "You guys are overthinking, I was just sick in bed the entire weekend." You mentally smiled at the response you made right on the spot, it wasn't half bad at all.

Just then, Enid's timid eyes looked away from yours and off to the distance behind you. "Why is Thing with you?" You tensed up, slowly turned around, and there was a hand on your carpet. You closed your eyes and accepted your fate, and here you thought you were doing so well. "So this is where you've been all weekend." Wednesday invited herself into your dorm to approach Thing, allowing Enid to follow. You sighed as you shut the door behind them, leaning back on it to watch this unfold.

Thing began to tap on the ground consecutively, shifting his fingers around to create a message for the girls. You already expected what he was about to tell them. "You followed Y/N to the cafe on Friday to hear her conversation with Tyler, and when they didn't talk about the Xavier situation, you continued to eavesdrop everyday until you got good intel to refer back to me?" Wednesday somehow repeated her family member's explanation perfectly, which was not good for your case.

Because now, Enid is on your case.

"Y/N!" Enid snapped her head back to you, "You just lied to me!" You slumped over, "I know, I know, and I'm sorry, but I just didn't know how to bring up the fact that I got too distracted to ask about Xavier, okay?"

Wednesday joined Enid on staring you down, like you were being interrogated by agents. "Because you like him, correct?"

"What? No! I—" You hesitated, "I mean, he's a nice guy, but—"

"Look," Wednesday took a step closer to you, "If your personal feelings are gonna get in the way of the mission, then maybe you shouldn't be the one to do it."

You were slightly confused at the, well what you assume to be an insult, as it sounded like this was a way bigger deal than it really was. "I'm pretty sure I can handle this 'mission' just fine, thank you for your consideration though."

"Well if you won't ask, then Wednesday should do it!" Enid turned to the other girl, "You're good at getting information out of people, you'll be a great fit for this important role."

"Can't," Wednesday was quick to shut down Enid's plan, "I've got a project of my own that I need to work on." Enid whined, "Oh come on, your novel can wait." Wednesday rolled her eyes, "It's not that, it's about the monster that killed Rowan."

"Wait," You took a step back, "Rowan is dead? I was told he was expelled for going crazy." Wednesday shook her head, "That's what they want you to believe." Enid sighed, "That's the truth, we all saw him walk out of the school, you're just being paranoid, Wednesday."

"Paranoia doesn't exist," Wednesday's head slowly shifted in Enid's direction, "I just have a higher emotional intelligence than you." Enid broke the short eye contact to look at her feet, "Ouch."

"Anyways," Wednesday looked back at you, "What I have on my plate is a lot more than yours, so it must be my top priority until I've cleaned it off fully."

You thought long and hard about your next step forward, but you didn't have any other choice that would work in your favor. "How about this, I'll cut you a deal," You took a step closer with your hand extended outwards, "Something you can't refuse."



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