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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

I noticed I marked this story completed yesterday...? I just want to make this clear; I am far from finished! I will always end my books with an Authors Final Note and a special chapter. Okay, continue reading!


"Okay, this is the one this time." You hyped yourself up in an empty hospital room, gripping at your bed barriers. You've been in this bland room for 3 days now, and although you're expected a full recovery in a week, you can't wait that long. It's just a scratch, you criticized yourself in your head, stop being a baby and just get up. You inhaled one big breath, and pulled yourself up in your bed with all your might. You exhaled it all, you succeeded your toughest mission yet, and you just escaped death from a mutant beast!

Now that you managed to sit yourself up, you were able to swing your feet off the bed and plant them on the floor. You grabbed the hospital bed barrier one last time, and lifted yourself up standing. You did a little victory dance until pain shot through your back, maybe it's too soon to celebrate.

You shuffled your feet over to your clothes from that night, and began to slip off your hospital gown. You tried to be slow with your movements, as your back definitely had not healed yet and your stitches were still tight. You had a large white bandage wrapped around your lower torso, making sure you don't move around too much to hurt yourself even more. It wasn't very functional, but you managed to put on your plaid pants and shoes with moderate pain.

When you picked up your sweater, you noticed the slash marks on the back side. There was four of them, equivalent to the length of the ones on your back. You've been trying not to think about what happened and how you looked death in the eyes, as it might freak you out too much to process.

Nonetheless, you rather have a torn up shirt than no shirt at all, so you slip it on over your head and adjust it over your bandage.

You limped your way to the exit door, but stopped to look back at the room you spent days in. Yeah I'm not gonna miss this place whatsoever, you thought to yourself as you opened the door to leave.

"Wednesday, give me a break, for fucks sake." The vulgar language is what you were greeted with as soon as you left the room, coming from someone you wouldn't expect. "Tyler," Wednesday stepped closer to the boy, "You're not gonna fool me. I'm onto you, and maybe I'll give you mercy if you just admit it right now." Enid awkwardly stood in the middle of the two ticking time bombs, trying her best to prevent a fight from breaking out. "Guys, we're in a hospital, can't this wait?" Tyler scoffed, "If we wait too long, Wednesday will run to my dad and spit him even more bullshit—"

"Hey, hey," The trio's heads turned to see you weakly leaning against the wall behind them. "Let's all just calm down for a bit, yeah?"

"Y/N," Tyler rushed over to you and examined your injury, "What are you doing out of bed? The Doctor said you have another few days before even doing physical therapy."

"I'm fine, really," you stood up straight to prove your case, putting on your best poker face. "What's going on with you two though?" Before Tyler could speak, Wednesday stepped in between the two of you. "I'll tell you what's going on, Tyler's the Hyde."

You whispered to Enid, "And... what's a Hyde exactly?" Enid sighed, "Some creature Wednesday found in an ancient book, it's the monster that attacked you." You nodded, turning your attention back to Wednesday. "And, how exactly is Tyler the 'Hyde'? He doesn't look like one to me."

"A Hyde can shape shift into their human form and beast form willingly," Wednesday explained, "How did Tyler know where to find you all alone in that dark forest?"

"Because you told me she was there!" Tyler barked at the girl in frustration. "I said she was in the forest, I didn't specify that she was where Rowan died." Tyler buried his face in his hands, "For the last time, Rowan didn't die, Enid said he literally walked out of Nevermore with no injuries! Why can't you get that through your head?"

"Someone at Nevermore with some shapeshifting ability must've posed as Rowan to debunk my theory." Wednesday rebutted, "They're probably your Master, too."

You turned to Enid once more, "What does she mean 'Master'?" Enid leaned towards you, "Hyde's are beasts that follow the orders of another human, A.K.A. their Master."

"Alright, that's enough." You stepped forward slightly then leaned on the wall immediately for support, "What I'm hearing is that this 'Hyde' and it's 'Master' can be anyone at the moment, not everything points directly to Tyler. I'm grateful that he found me when he did, but that doesn't explain why he, being the beast, would try to hurt me in the first place."

Everyone was quiet, slightly nodding in agreement and kept their gaze low. The awkward tension didn't last long, as you heard someone walking behind you. "Y/N, you're up and walking," You turned to see the Doctor that had been visiting you ever since the attack. "Seems that you recovered faster than we expected."

"Yep! I'm as good as new." You stood up straight and put your hands on your hips, biting down on your tongue from the pain. The man took a second to analyze you, thinking of his final answer, until he clasped his hands together. "Well, I'm convinced," The Doctor chuckled, "I'll walk you out."

You nodded and allowed the Doctor to walk in front of you so you could face your friends. "Behave, please." You sent them your final blessing and then followed the Doctor out.



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