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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Glad you could make it, girl." Dr. Kinbott smiled as she sat down on the chair in front of you. "Yeah, um," You avoided eye contact, "To be honest, I don't know why I'm here, I feel perfectly fine."

"Oh honey," Dr. Kinbott crossed her legs and folded her hands on top of her knee, "You don't need to put on a brave face in front of me, this is a safe space!" You gave the woman an annoyed look, trying to make yourself comfortable on the couch but you can't seem to relax. "No, seriously, I'm fine, my back just hurts."

"From the bear attack—" Dr. Kinbott stopped mid-sentence, clearing her throat, "Excuse me, monster attack."

You scoffed at the woman obviously kissing your ass. "Doc, with all due respect, you don't have to pretend to believe me. Nobody else does, but at least I know what I saw for a fact and that's all that matters."

"Oh no, sweetheart," The woman called you yet another nickname, making your eyes twitch. "I do believe that you truly saw a monster that night, no matter if it was a bear or not. You were attacked, and that's traumatizing."

"Excuse me," You put your hand up, "Can we just— talk about anything but the attack? I'm just sick of everyone on repeat, it makes me think I'm nothing but a trauma victim."

Dr. Kinbott smiled faintly, "You're right, hun, I apologize."

You clenched your fist, "My name is Y/N."

Dr. Kinbott's head popped up in realization, and resets her tone by clearing her throat. "Right, Y/N, I think we should start over. I want you to tell me what's the heaviest thought on your mind, something weighing down the rest of you, so I can help you lift it."

You didn't respond to her. Instead, you looked at the floor to gather your thoughts, is there anything you should tell this woman? You're gonna be doing frequent appointments, so you've got to speak up at some point. You already had your answer to her question, but you were debating whether or not saying it out loud would do any good.

"Y/N," The woman's honeyed voice made your thoughts go quiet, "Don't overthink it, just know that I can help in some way."

"Can you, though?" Your intrusive thoughts have won once again, your mouth running faster than your brain. "We aren't alike in any way that matters, alright? Just because you took some classes in school, doesn't mean you know what I'm going through. You don't understand, you can't understand."

Your outburst piqued Dr. Kinbott's interest, causing her to lean forward. "Try me."

"Alright, fine." You scoffed at the woman's smirk, who does she think she is? "I have a supernatural ability, you could say, as to all of the kids in Nevermore. Though, what I have causes anything I touch to snap out of existence and into an empty plane in between the universe, a void that can't be accessed willingly. Now, that's already a bit of a problem on its own, but it's a major issue when people start disappearing. My teacher was stuck there for a week, I was quite literally thrown in a cell for 3rd degree murder, thinking I had actually killed this woman for a week until she showed up randomly."

Dr. Kinbott was silent throughout the entirety of your speech, allowing you to catch your breath and continue. "So yeah, y'know what's weighing on me the most, doc?" You leaned forward, "The fear of my own potential, my lack of control being my downfall and bringing the people I love down with me. But, of course, nobody has any issue remotely similar to that, especially a normie like you, so what the hell is your solution for that?"

You were panting, gloves becoming unreasonably uncomfortable from your sweaty palms. It felt like your ribcage was shrinking in your chest, closing your heart in until it bursts. Nonetheless, all Dr. Kinbott did was examine you in utter silence, yet it didn't seem like she was thinking real hard of a response, it was like she already knew what to say, just not when.

The woman clicked her pen and began writing down on a paper attached to her clipboard. "Have you ever been to that 'void', Y/N?"

You were confused by her question, wondering if she was even listening to your rant. "Obviously not, it's impossible, I can't make myself disappear."

"But, have you tried?" Dr. Kinbott took a break from writing to look up at your eyes, the eye contact pressured you to cook up a response. However, your mind went blank, it felt too obvious that you couldn't actually go there, but you've never actually tested it out. "Why would I put myself in that situation?"

"I don't know," Dr. Kinbott calmly responded, "Why did you put your teacher in that situation?"

Your eyes went wide at the audacity of the woman in front of you. If you didn't already have a criminal record, assault would be on the top of the list. "I didn't do it on purpose."

"Then, what triggers your ability?" Dr. Kinbott kept pushing you off your own cliff, like a cop trying to get answers out of a vigilante. Why do people willingly go to therapy to be treated like some suspect? She continued, "Is it possibly from the emotion? The movement? The intention behind it?"

You raised up from the couch, now standing over the woman with rage in your eyes. "I don't know! Okay? How the fuck do you expect me to answer your stupid survey? What kind of therapy session is this?"

Then, Dr. Kinbott raised with you, standing taller and wider, it felt like an intimidation tactic. "I'm just doing my job, Y/N. I mean, it seems like you don't know a lot of things, so how are you going to expect someone else to answer them for you?"

Your blood was boiling, skin heating up by the minute, making your clothes stick to you. Your gloves had slipped off once you got up from the couch due to the sweat, feeling the skin of your own palms since days made your intrusive thoughts come to the front of your brain again.

Then, without a second thought, you reached out and grabbed the arm of the therapist... and she let you.

It was silent, your grip was tight... but it was still there. Dr. Kinbott was still there.

Her facial features softened, sitting back down to write on her clipboard. "Well, that checks out a few possibilities." You stood there stunned, hands falling to your side limp, fingers twitching a bit. She was pressing you so hard to test out your ability? On herself?

"Why did you put yourself in danger like that?" You kept your stance while looking down at the clipboard in front of her. You could read a few of the words upside down correctly, seeing only the following;

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Potential Triggers
[ X ] Negative emotion
[ X ] Peer pressure
[ X ] Temptation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Kinbott looked up at you with a friendly smile, "I think we've made a lot of progress today, I'll see you at our next session, Y/N."

You couldn't help but laugh at what just happened. Damn, you thought, I really just got played. "See you then, Dr. Kinbott."



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