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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"What's wrong with you?" Wednesday questioned her panicking roommate, still not peeling her eyes away from her typewriter. "She still has not called or responded to any of my texts, and it's been hours! It's getting dark outside!" Enid paced around the room, fanning herself using her hands.

Wednesday turned to her in her chair, "Who?"

Enid stopped in her tracks and turned to her, "Y/N! Who else?!"

Wednesday silently and slowly turned back to face the typewriter, "She'll be back."

"But what if she won't be?" Enid clawed her blonde hair in stress, "What if Tyler or someone else kidnapped her?! She could be in the back of somebody's car and it'd be all my fault!" Wednesday sighed, "That's not true, there's no possibility where you would've predicted something like that happening." Enid whined, "I should've done the impossible though, Y/N is my friend!" Wednesday pinched her nose in frustration, "That's not how it works—"

Wednesday was interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by frantic footsteps belonging to Enid going towards the door. She swings it open and sighs in relief, "Y/N! You're not dead!" You raised a single eyebrow in confusion, "No, I am not, why would I be?"

"Do you not see what time it is?!" Enid exclaimed while also stepping aside to invite you into her dorm room, "You were at the cafe for so long, I thought Tyler had done something awful to you."

"Oh— No, no definitely not." You shyly smiled and looked at your feet. You couldn't stop thinking about how gentle he was with you, talking quietly and holding your hand. You were in a vulnerable state, which normally you would do anything in your power to not be so unguarded in front of someone, but it felt different with him.

Enid paused, looked you up and down, walked towards you, and planted her hands on both of your shoulders. "You need to tell me everything, now!"

"Nothing happened, really." You carefully swiped Enid's claws off of you, "We just sat down and talked for a bit, turns out he's actually a really nice guy."

"Don't be fooled," Wednesday finally stood up from her chair to enter into the conversation. "Guys tend to act differently towards the girls they like." You stepped back to look at the girl, "What? He does not like me, we just met, and certainly not on the best terms."

"But," Enid grinned at you, "Deep down, you are a really good person, he probably can see that." You walked over to Enid's bed and sat on the edge, picking at your nails anxiously. You thought to yourself, then why don't I feel like a good person?

"Or," Wednesday stepped closer, "He can only see how attractive you are, and that's all he thinks of. Boys are painfully simple... and very stupid." You hummed in agreement, you haven't had the best past relationships, but most were because of your ability.

Enid exaggerated her sigh and flopped on her bed beside you, "I hate to admit, but I agree. Ajax has been giving me so many mixed signals. One day, he's all over me, then the next day, he's nowhere in sight!"

"Hold on, you're into Ajax? When did this become a thing?" You questioned the girl, who just put a pillow over her face. Just then, a decapitated hand with a mind of its own appeared out of seemingly nowhere on the ground, and jumped up on Enid's bed.

It tapped Enid's leg, causing her to remove the pillow and look. "Oh, Thing!" Enid quickly sat up, "You're wise, please give us guidance!"You thought you were officially losing your mind, until the hand started doing... sign language? Almost? On top of that... Enid and Wednesday understand him?

"That's a genius idea, Thing! I knew I could count on you." Enid cheered and give Thing a high five. "What? What did Thing say to you?"You scoot closer to look at the two of them, eager of his idea. "He said that we should go talk to Ajax and ask if he knows anything about Tyler, and that will be my entry way to just talk to him more and see if we're on good terms!" Enid explained, "It's like, killing two birds with one stone."

"We're killing birds?" Wednesday snapped out of zoning out, not listening to anything said before. "No," Enid facepalmed, "It's a saying." You began to recite everything said to Wednesday, "Tomorrow, we're going to go find Ajax, ask if he knows Tyler, and then once I get my answer, I'll leave the two of them alone to talk more. It's a perfect plan, really."

Wednesday shrugged, "I still think killing birds is a better idea."



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