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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Ow, fuck." That was your response after your body slammed onto a hard surface, face first. You lifted up your head to rub your nose to soften the pain inflicted on it, opening up your eyes to see your new surroundings. You were on the ground in your dorm room beside your bed, the sight confused you until it clicked in your head; The light was a portal back into the real world! Tyler led us to the exit!

Wait, Tyler. You need to see if Tyler is okay, your celebration was put on hold while you hurried to stand on your feet and grab your phone from the nightstand. You held it using the hand with the glove, making sure not to do the same mistake for the third time. You dialed his number and held up the phone to your ear, impatiently listening to the sequence of rings. You looked at your large window, the sky was an orange hue due to the sunset. Or... sunrise? What time was it anyway?

"Y/N?" Tyler's voice erupted from the speaker. "Tyler!" You beamed with joy, "That wasn't a dream, right? You were in the void with me?"

To your surprise, Tyler brewed up a genuine laugh through the phone. "Yes, yes I was. That was real, Y/N, we made it back." All you could do was laugh with him in relief, a moment ago you thought you just had your last seconds of life looking at Tyler being burned up in an orb of light. But now, you're talking to him on the phone while sitting on your bed, like what a regular teenager should be doing.

"How long were we there for?" You brought up the main unanswered question, knowing you could check the date for yourself... but you wanted to keep talking to Tyler instead. "Well, according to my phone," Tyler paused until he brought the device back up to his ear, "It's been two days, right now it's almost 6:00 PM."

"Wow, we were out there for two days," Once you said it out loud, that's when the realization hit you like a brick. "Wait, we've been out there for two days? What about your work and my school? What if people think we're missing? What if Wednesday thinks we were conspiring an evil plan?"

"You ask so many What If questions, did you know that?" Tyler's nonchalant attitude caught you off guard a bit. "If I'm being honest, I'm too happy to even care about that stuff. We can come up with excuses later."

"Yeah, you're right." You took a deep breath, relaxing your tensed shoulders. "With that being said," Tyler lead up, "I want to come see you. We've already missed the entire day, might as well start fresh tomorrow morning."

You'd been holding a giddy smile ever since you heard Tyler's voice, but it grew thinking of seeing him again. "Are you sure? We just spent two days together in the void, and you're still not tired of me yet?" Tyler felt almost appalled by the question, "What? Are you kidding me? I could never be tired of you."

You sighed, "You say that now."

Tyler put his phone on speaker so he could get ready, "I'm on my way now."

"Woah, slow down," You got up from the bed and headed to your drawer to pick out new clothes to wear. "We haven't even devised up a plan on how I'm even gonna make it past the front gates. I'm not allowed to leave past curfew." Tyler opened up his backpack on his bed, "Who said you're leaving Nevermore?"

You paused what you were doing to look at the phone dramatically, "What do you mean? You're not coming here, right?"

Unfortunately, you couldn't see the confused expression on Tyler's face. "Why not?"

"Because, it's Nevermore Academy?" You said it like the answer was obvious, but apparently it wasn't. "The gates are closed once the sun goes down on school nights, this place is filled with guards and people with magical abilities, if you've forgotten." Tyler's nonchalant act stayed, "I haven't forgotten."

You started to think out loud of all the possible bad outcomes that could happen tonight. "But, what if someone catches you? What if you get arrested for trespassing? Or worse, what if—"

"Y/N," Tyler's smooth voice brought you back to your senses, "You're doing it again."

You took a breather, "I'm just worried."

"Don't be," Tyler picked up his phone, "Because I'll be there in 30 minutes, alright?"

You blinked a few times, "Hold on, we still have to plan—" The sound of the phone hanging up made you stop talking, now looking at the screen dumbfounded. This is not a good idea.



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