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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"I can't believe I came up with this deal." You whisper into the dark void, silhouettes of trees faintly painting your path ahead. Yesterday, you had the bright idea to bargain your literal life with Wednesday, out of all the people. The deal is, if Wednesday talks to Tyler about Xavier instead of you, then you'll help out with her investigation.

Now that you're out in the middle of the woods where Rowan supposedly went missing and where monster sightings have been spotted, you know you got the short end of the stick.

You hug yourself tightly to keep yourself warm in the cold breeze, managing to balance your flashlight in your palm at the same time. You don't even know what you're looking for, are you even looking for anything or does Wednesday just want your dead body be evidence of a monster? How did Enid allow her to send you out into an actual death trap?

Oh, right, it's because you lied to her about talking to Tyler... then proceeded to avoid her for days, maybe you deserve this a little bit.

The sound of your black combat boots crunching the lives and twigs underneath you was consistent, every step you took sounded the same... until your next step.

Snap. You stopped in your tracks, that didn't sound like a leaf or a twig.

You carefully took a step back and shined your flashlight at your feet, then you saw it; your ticket out of this forest. You crouched down and planted your knees on the ground for support so you could pick up the object you stepped on. "Rowan's glasses," You let out a sigh of relief, "This should be enough evidence for Wednesday, and for Enid to forgive me."

You did break one of the lenses, but that shouldn't matter, because anybody in Nevermore could tell you that these were in fact, his glasses and his alone. Even though Wednesday explained her theory, it all didn't make a lot of sense to you how everyone saw a "Fake Rowan" get expelled from the academy.

Oh well, even if Wednesday's theory is correct, you've done your job, and after this, you can go back to your semi-normal life. On top of that, if Wednesday's theory gets out to the public, your police report will be old news! This deal might just be even better for you in the end.

You were about to get back on your feet until the familiar sound of leaves and twigs breaking was behind you, though it didn't come from your shoes. On cue, a growl vibrated your body, sending shivers up your spine.

Yep this is how I die, you thought to yourself in acceptance, damn this is so cliché.

You looked over your shoulder and saw a large arm lifting up towards the sky, claws extended ready to strike. Your fight or flight drive kicked in, rolling out of the beast's way, but it's claws still managed to rip through your sweater and cut deep into your back. You winced in pain, hunching over and putting pressure on your back using your cold hand. It got you good, but it could've been worse, but that didn't even matter since the monster was hovering over you, ready for round 2.

You looked up at it, your eyes were almost as wide as the monster's, though it looked like he froze in place. Suddenly, a miracle happened, and the beast sprinted away in the opposite direction, leaving you speechless.

Damn, you looked down at Rowan's glasses, maybe God is real after all?

The sudden pain flashing through your body interrupted you trying to process what just happened, putting that thought to rest temporarily as you crawled towards a large tree. You leaned sideways on it, too afraid to touch the bleeding scratches on your back. It felt like vicious bees stinging all over your back, all in the same spots like they wanted to tear through your flesh. You always said you have a high pain tolerance, but this shit was really testing you.

You closed your eyes, hoping Enid and Wednesday would have second thoughts on leaving you alone to fend for yourself in the forest and come looking for you.

No, no for some reason, in this life or death situation, all you really wanted to see was—

"Holy shit, Y/N!" A voice rang in your ears, the echo was distorted but forever familiar to you. "Look at me, open your eyes." You forced your eye lids to raise, then you smiled. Tyler's face was in view, and suddenly the bees stopped stinging your back. "Tyler." You closed your eyes, entering the void with comfort.



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