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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

Expect longer chapters from here on out aha


"Tyler, are you sure your dad isn't looking for you?" You tilt your head back to look at the boy in his eyes, still laying comfortably against him. "You haven't been home for the entire weekend, I'd be worried if I were him."

It was Sunday, and Tyler hadn't left your dorm room ever since when he snuck in on Friday night. He had convinced you to let him sleep over as you didn't have to leave your room anytime soon for class, so you gave into his pleas. Ever since then, your days have went by mostly cuddling in bed with him, watching shows on your phone and simply talking like how you always would at the café. You had to admit, it had been nice having his company 24/7, you could never get tired of him.

"I think any normal parent would be worried," Tyler looked down at you, "But he won't. My dad is either out of the house or asleep on the couch. He'll just think I'm working late at the cafe, then go about his day." You frowned at the response, "He sounds like a jerk." Tyler sighed in disappointed agreement, "Yeah, but he wasn't always like that."

You tilt your head, "What changed?"

Tyler looked away from you, making the room go silent in the same second.

"Let's talk about something more exciting," Tyler turned back to you with a smile plastered on his face, though it made you feel guilty. "Winter Break is around the corner, any plans?" You went along with it, "Nothing much, just visiting my parents. You?"

"Nope, just working the café," He laid his head back on a pillow, "I'll be busy, my dad will be busy, so I don't expect much."

You noticed how Tyler never talked about his mom, and it doesn't take much to put two and two together that his mom isn't in the picture. You never try to mention her, or anything family related in that matter, as it seems like a sensitive subject to him. So, you respected his privacy, and continued being a healthy distraction for him.

Then, you had a crazy idea, merely a hopeless dream, but chose not to say it out loud. Unfortunately for you, Tyler notices the smallest changes in emotion, as it's always written on your face. "What are you thinking about?" You shrugged it off, "Nothing."

You turned your head to look away from him to make yourself seem less suspicious, but Tyler placed his hand on your jaw to face it towards him. "Don't do that," He gave you a look. "Tell me." You stayed quiet for a while, simply just staring back at him, then sighed in defeat. "Well, I was just thinking that maybe you would... possibly want to, I don't know— Come with me to see my family on break?"

It only took half a second to back track your statement, not even giving him enough time to react to your big question. "It's a dumb idea, I know, I didn't even think it through, I just thought that you'd be lonely during the holidays, so—"

Tyler laughed softly at you in a frenzy, allowing you to take a deep breath. "You're so sweet to me," He moved in closer, "I would love to go with you, Y/N."

He pressed his lips against yours, it made you melt at how gentle the gesture was. It wasn't like your first kiss on Friday, that one was very rushed, fueled on pure adrenaline and desperation. But a few kisses later, it had blossomed into sweetness, the synchronized motions were more soft and sensual.

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