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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Hey, you made it." Tyler's white teeth reflected the lights hanging from the cafe ceiling, leaving everything else surrounding the two of you dark. "Of course, what's up? Are you alright? It's pretty late." You walked closer to him and sat on top of one of the tables at a booth. "Oh, I'm perfectly fine," Tyler shrugged as he faced you while standing, "I just wanted to check up on you, that's all."

"Tyler," You tilt your head down and give him a look through your eyebrows, "It's been two days since I was released." Tyler maintained eye contact, "A lot can happen in two days."

You didn't respond, simply shaking your head but a smile creeped up on your face. "What?" Tyler whined dramatically, "Can I not just... want to see you whenever? Does it have to be within a certain time frame?"

You crossed your arms, "I do have a pretty busy schedule." Tyler chuckled, "But you'll find a way to make time for me."

You tried to hide how shocked you were at his bold response, giving it everything in your body to not visually show your fluster. "You're real confident, aren't you?" Tyler nonchalantly replied, "Well, what can I say."

"For real though," Your smile disintegrated, "What is up with you?" Tyler hummed, "Nothing, we should be talking about you instead."

You shook your head, "Stop doing that."

"Doing what?" Tyler stepped closer to you, making you slightly tilt your chin up to hold eye contact.

"Flipping the perspective off yourself," You managed not to give in, "You're always asking about me and not giving anytime for me to ask about you."

Tyler didn't respond, he just looked at you, but was really thinking a bunch of different things in his head at once. He looked occupied, almost distracted, like his mind was somewhere else. Tyler looked distant, that's what was so off about him when you two first met. No matter how much he talked, he never looked there.

"Tyler, you're not fooling me this time." You nudged your head to the side, giving him the signal to sit beside you on the table. "Talk to me, seriously." He shook his head, "You wouldn't understand." You offered a sympathetic smile, "I've said those words before, and you're right, I won't fully understand. But, that doesn't mean I can't help, or at least listen."

The way he then looked at you after what you said reminded you of a puppy, like he was waiting for permission or something.

You tilt your head to the side, "Please?"

"The truth is," Tyler's shoulders finally rested, "I don't know what to say. I just feel, lost." You related to that feeling all too well, maybe for different reasons from Tyler, but it was mutual, which is a start. "And alone, I guess. Even though I see and talk to dozens of people everyday, it still feels like I'm the only one in the room. That probably sounds stupid though, right?" The boy looked at you for guidance, and you simply shook your head. "No, it's not."

"It's like, ever since my mom—" His voice hitched in his throat, making him peel away eye contact to clear it. "It's just been different, and my perspective of the world shifted. Like, the world is painted differently all of a sudden and I'm re-learning the colors."

You were caught by surprise when you felt a nest full of curly hair rest in between the creases of your neck, causing you to hold your breath. He took a deep breath before continuing, "Things that used to mean something, now mean nothing. Then again, things that used to mean nothing, now mean something?"

You simply hummed in response, not knowing what to say to him. So, you didn't say anything at all, you just listened, running your fingers through his hair gently. He had went quiet, but it didn't feel like he could say anything more, his mind just went quiet. Everything was quiet, finally quiet. You've both longed for peace and quiet, especially being together in the moment.



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