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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Oh! Someone's at the door." Enid shuffled her feet quickly to the wooden door at the end of her room. She twisted the handle and pulled it open, greeted by a friendly familiar face. "Y/N! You're back!" The blonde practically pounced on you with her warm embrace, you're still not used to the intense amount of physical touch from this girl, but you hugged back. You looked over her shoulder in curiosity of your replacement, and a pale, wide eyed girl stared right back at you. She sat at a wooden desk with an antique type writer resting on top, this girl looks like she just came right out of the 1800's?

"Wait! You haven't met my roommate yet, right?" Enid pulled away to watch you shake your head. Enid's smile grew as she took a few steps back to face you both, "Y/N, this is Wednesday. Wednesday, this is Y/N."

"Wednesday!" You perked up as an imaginary light bulb flashed above your head. "I knew you looked familiar, I went to your 11th birthday party." The girl in question only crinkled her eyebrows in confusion, she must not remember you as clear as you do. "If I recall correctly," You began to think out loud, "You had a bouncy obstacle course replaced with dangerous obstacles. There were swinging blades, snakes on the ground, bear traps—"

"You were the only girl who was willing to race me through it." Wednesday blurted out from her now refreshed memory of the old days. "Yep," You shyly smiled, "Though I couldn't complete it since my arm almost got chopped off." Wednesday's face remained stone cold, "Still, I admired your bravery."

Enid awkwardly chuckled at you two reliving an old memory, although it seemed like a total nightmare for children. "Well, I'm glad you both are bonding?"

"We're not bonding," Wednesday shut down the harmless theory, "Just because we were acquaintances as kids, doesn't mean I have to be your acquaintance now." Your chuckle at her harsh reality was dry, "Maybe we could become acquaintances again, you will be seeing more of me from here on out."

Wednesday paused, "We'll see."

"Anyways," Enid cleared her throat, "Y/N, what happened at the police station?" You turned to Enid directly but still felt the other girl's cold gaze looking right through your soul. "Right, so as I told the Sheriff before he locked me up, I didn't actually kill Mrs. Thornhill, I just sent her to the black void in between the universe parallels, she would be totally fine! Even so, he locked me up until Mrs. Thornhill showed up right back where I left her, in the classroom. So, although I would've liked an apology, the Sheriff dropped the charges and let me leave."

"That still wasn't right of him to just throw you in jail with no explanation," Enid complained, "Saying 'my bad' and dropping the charges doesn't just fix everything." You sighed, "Yeah, like my reputation. Apparently, normies from Pilgrim Town already have word of the incident."

"What?!" Enid popped up in place and took a step towards you, "Principal Weems said to me, Mrs. Thornhill, and Sheriff Galpin to keep it under the radar! Who do you think told people outside of school?"

You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know, but this guy named Tyler approached me as soon as I got out of the Sheriff's office, and I've been getting dirty looks ever since."

"Tyler?" Wednesday eavesdropped, "He works at the coffee shop in Pilgrim Town, you should confront him."

You turned to the girl on the other side of the room. "Y'know what, maybe I will."



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