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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Alright class, get in your seats, class is now in session." Mrs. Thornhill walked into the room as if it was an ordinary day, like she wasn't stuck in the void alone for an entire week. You try to sneak by her and the attention of all the other students, but you were unsuccessful once she lightly grabbed your shoulder. "Y/N," The teacher softly spoke,  "How are you holding up? Everything okay with the Sheriff?"

You were astonished by the woman's first words to you since you made her disappear. Why is she the one asking how you're doing? Shouldn't it be the other way around? This teacher is way too nice for her own good.

You took a moment to respond, "I'm fine— but I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for what I did. It was a complete accident and—"

"Y/N," The woman called for you again, "It's okay, really! It wasn't as bad as you think it was, I'm just happy that you weren't punished for a simple accident."

You try to let Mrs. Thornhill's sympathy deep into your brain and make you relieved, but you can't seem to relax. You feel guilty about it all, knowing that she's just sugar coating her experience to make you feel better. You hope she really is okay, and hopefully people will stop talking about it soon.

Once the conversation ended, that's when you realized that you were the only one not sitting at a table. The students were a lot quieter than you originally thought, all eyes on you and listening intensively to the previous conversation, desperately trying to get some secret intel or drama. You felt like a deer in headlights, so you quickly scan the room to find an empty seat since Wednesday took yours next to Xavier. It didn't take long for you to realize that the only available seat is right next to Bianca, the mean siren with light blue eyes. You cursed underneath your breath as you walked over to the table, avoiding eye contact with the obvious.

"Hey Y/N, good to see you back." You were spotted by the girl, her not even attempting to hide the venom in her voice. You didn't respond, which only allowed Bianca to keep going. "It's also good to know you're not some psycho killer, you're already weird enough as it is." You shot her a mean look, causing her to dramatically scoot away from you. "Just, try not to make me disappear too, 'kay?"

You looked back at your hands on the table, fidgeting with the stitching of the black gloves given to you the day before. At least they're stylish, was the best optimistic thought you could generate in your pessimistic brain.

"Hey, pssst." A hushed voice behind you erupted your thinking, making you turn around to see the source. It was a random guy, you had partnered up for a project once at the beginning of the semester, but hadn't talked to him since.

"We're friends, right?" He nervously asked, thumbs fiddling with one another. All you could do was tilt your head in confusion before he started up again. "I mean, like, you're not mad at me for anything? No bad blood here? We all good?"

"Dude, slow down, where is this coming from?" You cut his rambling short, making him move around uncomfortably in his seat. "I-I just want to make sure that there's no miscommunication between us, that's all." The boy bit the insides of his cheeks nervously.

That's when you realized the situation at hand, he was scared of buoy using your ability on him and making him disappear. You rolled your eyes, "I'm not gonna make you disappear, friend or not, I'm not like that. What happened with Mrs. Thornhill was a complete accident, and a one time thing."

"Oh thank god," You could see his chest sink back into his torso, letting out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear, I was just worried that another Nevermore student had gone mad."

You physically get whiplash from how fast you turned to eye the boy once more, "Another? What do you mean?"

His eyes narrowed, "You didn't hear? Rowan was expelled because he was hurting people using his telekinesis, even hurting himself. Principal Weems was right after all, your ability can actually drive you insane if you don't control it properly."

You froze in place, like as if time had completely stopped around you. You didn't know Rowan very well, but he seemed like a good kid. Well, apparently only in front of everyone, but it's still scary to think that he was dealing with so much pain this whole time.

That's when your heart dropped. What if you end up like Rowan? What if you can't ever control your ability? What if the next person you touch, they disappear for even longer?

"And you know what really sucks," The boy's voice snapped you out of your train of thought, allowing you to refocus on reality. "I considered him a friend, and I didn't even know he was a psychopath. It freaks me out knowing that he could've easily done something horrible to me."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry—" You reached out your hand to place it on his trembling ones as a sign of sympathy, but he flinches at your reach. He shoved his hands into his lap and leaned back as far as he could in his chair, he was scared of you too. "I have gloves on, you're fine." You scoffed, raising your hands to showcase proof. He forced out a laugh, "Better safe than sorry."

You turn back to face forward in your seat with a sour face, "Asshole." You couldn't help but be annoyed at his reaction, he thought of you as some rabid stray animal, approaching you yet too afraid to get close. Was this how it's always going to be like from now on? When will everybody move on? Will your classmates ever feel comfortable around you again? Or are you now an outsider to a school full of outsiders?

You puffed out some stored up steam from your nose, thinking about what you will say to that loud-mouth Tyler Galpin after school.



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