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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

50k reads?! That's insane?! I literally don't deserve any of you, I appreciate you all soooo much and you give me the motivation to post a chapter everyday, so thank you! We're coming near to the end of the story (I think), but don't worry! Still a lot of chapters ahead :]


"Pssst, Tyler." You whispered to the boy, muttering in his sleep yet unresponsive. You didn't want to wake him up just yet, even though he's been sleeping for what feel like days, because he finally looked peaceful. His head was resting on your thighs, face turned towards your stomach as his arms were wrapped loosely around your waist. At some points, he'd begin sleep-talking nonsense, his hold on you growing tighter, so you'd pet his hair until he relaxed again.

Even though Tyler refuses to discuss the details on being a literal Hyde, he doesn't need to say anything for you to know that he's hurting. You're gonna do everything in your power to save him, even though you don't know exactly what saving him means yet, you'll do it no matter what.

You turned back to look down at him, "Hey, wake up." He shuffled around a bit, then fluttered his eyes open at you. "Sorry, but you have to wake up, you're gonna want to see this." Tyler flipped over on his back, head still planted in your lap, and rubbed his eyes to adjust his vision. "How long have I been asleep?"

"No idea, but it doesn't matter," You looked over at something in the distance. "There's something over there."

That's when Tyler sat straight up and turned towards the direction you were looking at, then his eyes went wide. A small circle of light far away from the two of you had appeared, and it looked like it was growing in size. Tyler squint his eyes, "What is that?" You shrugged your shoulders, "I wasn't paying attention to see where it came from, but it was a lot smaller only a few minutes ago. It's growing at a rapid paste." You both sat there in silence, simply watching the orb bring in ordinary light into the empty void. It was like a miniature version of the Sun, though it didn't radiate any heat waves whatsoever. There was no definite description as to what you were looking at.

What made you take your eyes away from it was a new object in your peripheral vision, causing you to snap your head's direction. It was the pillow from before, though you don't remember it being there earlier, it was much farther away. You kept staring at it, though Tyler was too en captured by the orb to notice what you were witnessing.

The pillow was... moving? No, not by itself, like it was being dragged, almost. It was shuffling slowly towards the orb of light, like an invisible rope was tied to the object and the orb was pulling it—

"Wait," You spoke up to Tyler, "The light, it's a pulling force, it's pulling us!" Tyler stared back at you, "What are you talking about?" That's when he noticed the pillow, inching closer to the orb, but the closer it got, the faster it went. You were too focused on the pillow to feel your hair and clothes being tugged slightly, but once you noticed, your head snapped towards the light once more.

It had grown a lot bigger, and a lot closer!

"It's like a black hole but... lighter?" Tyler tried to make sense of it, but he was unsuccessful, so he turned to you. "What the hell is it doing here out of all the places?"

"I don't know, Tyler!" You began to panic, "I've never been here before, the only person who has is Mrs. Thornhill!" Tyler paused then replied, "Well did she mention a beam of light sucking her into who knows where?"

No, Tyler, she didn't! I'm sorry, but I don't know anything! I don't have the answers to everything!" You we're at your boiling point, your only awakened company for so long was the silence of the void, so you were now suddenly sensitive to Tyler's aggravated voice. Your breathing picked up its paste, becoming staggered and short. That's when Tyler stepped in front of the orb of light to cover it from your field of vision, so you could only look at him. "Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't mean to stress you out, I just feel awful because it's my fault that we're here." You gave him a confused look, "How is any of this your fault? It's literally my ability, and if I just spent more time with Dr. Kinbott, then maybe I could've prevented this."

"No, no, you don't know that, don't beat yourself up over it." Tyler didn't know how to react, seeing you so overwhelmed makes him feel awful. He's never been the most rational person ever, so what he was about to do was all he could think of.

"Y/N," Tyler grabbed your hand gently, "Do you trust me?"

You tilt your head, "What?"

"Just, answer the question. Do you trust me?" Tyler's question worried you, along with the look in his eyes.

You sighed, "Yes, of course I do."

Tyler nodded, then tightened his grip on your hand. "Okay, don't hate me for this, please."

"What? Why would I—" You felt yourself being dragged forcefully by Tyler's strength, he was running towards the light! "Wait, Tyler! This isn't safe!" Tyler looked back at you but kept running, "When has anything we've done ever been safe?"

You didn't have a response, but your stomach felt uneasy feeling two different forces pulling you the same direction. It felt like your feet were moving on their own and you weren't controlling them at all, you began to feel extremely dizzy the brighter the light grew. You both were practically engulfed in it when Tyler turned back to look at you. He mouthed something, but you couldn't make it out as your ears began to ring loudly. You wanted to plug your ears with your fingers, but you couldn't feel your body at all. So, you just closed your eyes and waited.



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