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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Alright Enid, I'm at the Weathervane Cafe, I'll talk to you later." You held your phone to your ear while using your available hand to push the blue double doors open. "Okay! Tell me how it goes later." Enid's voice erupted from the phone's speaker, and just when you were about to turn your phone off, Enid sprouts back into the microphone. "Wait, Y/N!" You hummed to notify your friend that you could still hear her. "Kick his ass— Verbally! Of course."

"Oh, you bet I will." You smiled, finally allowed to turn off your phone and look up at your surroundings. It was a cute cafe, not many people around but the quiet music filled the atmosphere. The yellow lights and smell of freshly baked bread added to the warm feeling of the shop, making you feel a bit sleepy.

You shook your head to wake yourself up; you cannot forget the reason you're here, you have to confront Tyler. He was the only one who saw you at that police station, so how does your entire school know about what happened? You don't think Principal Weems, Mrs. Thornhill, or Enid would blab about it, so who all did Tyler tell after his dad told him? Why did his dad even tell him something like that?

Your hands turned into fists, tightening your grip the more you think about it. You were furious, as you've worked too hard to fit into somewhere and at least look like you belong, so you being the talk of the school is the last thing you want to worry about. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind, you thought to yourself as you start to scan the lobby for him.

Soon enough, you spot him working the front counter, keeping up a friendly smile as he serves customers in line. Tyler looks like a nice guy, his eyes are kind and hair is nicely fixed. He takes care of himself, and it looks like he takes care of all these customers as well.

...Maybe I should wait until he's not so busy, you thought again as you race to an open booth near the window.

You take out your phone and keep your mind busy for a few minutes, scrolling through Enid's school blog. You know she would never talk bad about you on the blog, but you just wanted to make sure she didn't post any information relating to the incident. Luckily, there's nothing on here about you, so it really could've only been Tyler.

"Dude, you will not believe what I just heard today."

Your heart stopped, your grip on your phone released, your eyes went wide. You heard two teenage boys, roughly around your age, sit in the booth behind you. You didn't dare to turn around, but you lended an ear to listen to their conversation.

"Let me guess," The guy furthest away from you replied, "Something to do with that school of weirdos? Nevermore or something?" The previous guy chuckled, "Yeah, there's always something going on with that school, but today's different."

You subconsciously held your breath, waiting for the guy to mention anything about a teacher going missing, or a student going insane using their abilities.

"What happened man? Spill it already!" The teenager shouted in anticipation. "Alright alright! Keep your voice down." The next few words were too hard to hear, as they had lowered their voices and blended in with the countless other conversations being held in the small cafe. You cursed underneath your breath, leaning back a bit and tilting your head to try and get a better angle... Until—

"Hey, it's you." Your head snapped back at the boy who was just behind the counter now standing right in front of your booth. "I thought I recognized you when you came in, what are you doing here?"

Tyler's gaze up close and focused on you threw you off even more, he just looked so genuine and charismatic, how could he be a bad guy? "What, is a weirdo like me not allowed in this cafe?" You barked, still startled by his sudden appearance.

Then, his head tilt at your response, like a confused puppy. "What? No, of course you are, and who said you're a weirdo?"

You suddenly felt embarrassed and pressured, you were so confident when you first walked into the cafe, why are you backing out now? Tyler is far from intimidating, so what is it about him that's gotten you fumbling over your words?

You had only just realized that you didn't verbally respond to him, concerning him even more. "Hey," Tyler invited himself to sit down in the seat across from you. "You okay?"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Your answer wasn't very convincing, and knowing that made you peel your eyes away from his and onto your hands in front of you.

Tyler was leaning forward on the table, closely analyzing your every move to somehow read what's going on in your mind. Just then, he extends his arm and gently places his hand over your clasped ones. "Y/N, was it?" You looked up and could only nod. "I know I just met you two days ago, but I can tell when someone's upset. And... I know you just met me two days go, but you can talk to me."

Your shoulders relaxed as you let out a breathy exhale, his hand was a lot warmer than yours, and he smelled like coffee. It was comforting, to say the least.

"Well, it's just that—" You paused, "Everyone at my school found out about what happened, and I'm being treated differently. It's like, I don't know— they think I was actually trying to kill her or something, but I would never do such a thing! And now, my image is forever altered to be some psycho student who used their ability to harm their teacher." Just when you thought you were coming here to scold him, you were now venting to him. Damn Y/N, this is a new low for you.

After you finished your speech, it felt like a heavy weight was removed off of your chest, a weight that you didn't even know was there until lifted off of you. Being able to freely talk about what's on your mind out loud is very refreshing to you, and something you probably should do more often. But, with a random guy named Tyler, who happens to be the Sheriff's son and the cafe worker? That probably wasn't the best shoulder to lean on at the moment.

Tyler swiftly rubbed circles on the top of your hand using his thumb, "Wow, I'm sorry this is happening to you, you don't deserve it."

"How do you know that?" You snapped back up in your chair, "You don't know me."

"No, technically I don't," Tyler sighed, "But I don't need to know anything more to know that you are a good person."

You scoffed at this boy's naiveness, all he knows about you is that you're a Nevermore kid who was sent to jail for a week for the disappearance of one of your teachers. And yet, he knows that you're a good person? "How can you be so sure of yourself?"

"Just trust me, I'm good at reading people." Tyler's grin stretched in confidence, "Unless, you want to prove me wrong?"



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