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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

Have a suspicious feeling y'all are gonna like this chapter... ;] Good luck have fun LMAO


"Just a second!" You yelled out as you adjust your hair in the mirror, talking to the person who just knocked on your dorm door. Assuming it's Tyler, you make sure you're presentable before letting him inside.

Once you were ready, you rushed to the door knob to turn it, but to your surprise, Principal Weems stood outside. "Miss Light," She formally greeted you, "I was checking in on you as you've been absent from class for a while. Is everything alright?"

"Oh, yes," You repositioned yourself in the doorway, "Well no, it wasn't earlier, I had injured my back again and have been laying in bed all day. But, now I feel much better, so you'll see me in class on Monday."

Principal Weems smiled at your explanation, "Excellent to hear. You're a great student to have, so I'm not too worried. It is late though, so I'll leave you to rest." You forced a smile, "Thank you, goodnight."

The woman sent you a nod before you closed the door, letting out a huge breath afterwards. Hopefully nobody has been in your room to see that you weren't there, otherwise you would be in serious trouble for lying.

Just when you turned around to go sit on your bed, you see the silhouette of a figure outside of your window. You squint your eyes, inching slowly towards it to see its face, then it spoke. "Hey, it's me." A hushed voice belonging to the boy you were waiting for was heard, making the tension easily wash away. "Shit, you scared me, how did you get on the balcony?" You walked up to the window and opened up one of the panes, allowing Tyler to crawl through. "What can I say," He dusted himself off and stood tall on the wooden floor, "I'm pretty athletic, surprisingly."

You both traded warm smiles, formed just by seeing each other. You wanted to hug him, but would that be too soon? Technically, you guys just spent two whole days together in the void, so what if you push his boundaries? "Ah, fuck it." Before you could brew up yet another What If scenario, Tyler engulfed you into his arms. "Is it weird that I missed you?"

Your laugh was muffled in his sweater due to your face being buried into it. "I hope not, because I missed you too."

You don't know when or how it happened, but the chemistry between the two of you had altered at some point during your friendship, you act more comfortable and close with one another. You're always hanging out, helping each other, venting, and now covering the other's secret. Most would say it was too soon, but you can't help but to—

"How's your hand?" Tyler's voice disrupted an incomplete thought of yours, pulling away from the other's embrace to be face-to-face. "Oh, it's fine, don't worry." You try to get his mind off of it, but you were unsuccessful as he was now pulling out your hand to see for himself. Tyler's face said it all, "Y/N, this is not fine, it looks like it needs stitches."

You rolled your eyes at the exaggeration, "I feel fine." Tyler looked up at you, then pressed his thumb lightly on your cut, making you grit your teeth in pain. "Liar."

He dragged you to your bed and made you sit down as he went through your drawers for anything to wrap up your injury. You watched him pull out the first aid kit placed in every student's dorm room for emergencies, opening it and rummaging through it. You anxiously see him pull out a tube of saline and bandages, "Tyler, I'll go to the doctor tomorrow after school if that's what will make you feel better."

"What will make me feel better is letting me help you." He got on his knees in front of you and held out your open palm. "Plus, what if touching stuff at school makes it inflected?"

You kept your eyes focused on his face, making you not apparent of what he was doing to your hand. "Huh, I thought you didn't like it when I said What if's— Ah!"

A stinging sensation spread across your palm, making your fingers twitch. You bit your bottom lip to stop you from being too loud, "Mmmh, you motherfucker."

"Woah, language, Miss Light," Tyler teased you, keeping your hand in his. "We don't want your fellow students to hear you, what would they think seeing you with me? A normie?"

"Oh shut up, you're far from a normie." You hated how his smirk made your heart skip a beat. "What are you? A sadist?"

"No, no," Tyler still had that stupid smile glued on his face as he inched closer. "I just love you."

You both went pale. He what? Normally, you guys say 'I care about you' and leave it at that, but neither of you have had the L Word in your vocabulary. You were taken back mostly by how easily it slid off his tongue, like it was a natural phrase between the two of you.

Tyler covered his mouth with his hand, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that—"

You grabbed him by the collar of his blue sweater and kissed him. Finally, you kissed him. It's embarrassing how long you've wanted to, despite everything that's been going on, that's what was always on your mind. Tyler. Being with Tyler. Talking to Tyler. Helping Tyler. Touching Tyler. Kissing Tyler. You don't know why, but frankly, you don't care why, because he thinks the same about you.

You pulled away just a centimeter, smiling against his lips. "I love you, too."

That's what you've been wanting to say for so long, but you couldn't say it, so you said that you care about him instead. Of course, you still do, but it's deeper than that. You don't just care about him, you love him, you love Tyler.



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