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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Why won't you let me speak to my dad?" Tyler stepped up at the cell bars, staring face to face with another police officer. "I mean come on, he's the Sheriff."

"I don't care who he is," The officer stepped closer to intimidate Tyler. "It's not visiting hours yet, just shut up and wait."

"Tyler, it's no use," You spoke up from the floor of your own cell, "Lets just wait a little longer, I'm tired anyway." There was a wall dividing your cell from his, but you could see the woman on the other side due to the cell bars. She glanced over at you then back at Tyler, "You should listen to the little girl."

"Little girl?" A pump of adrenaline went through your veins, giving you the energy to stand up. "Listen, we've been through one hell of a time trying to—" A sharp pain spiking through your entire body made you cut your rant short, sitting back down in silence. "Ah, shit." Tyler's attention was immediately taken off of the officer and to what was going on the other side of the wall. "Y/N? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." You lazily leaned back on the wall, holding the bandage stuck on your hip. Tyler huffed, "Do you really think she should be in jail? For the second time? Look at her, she just got stabbed!" The officer was quiet for a moment, eyes flickering back and forth between you and Tyler, two kids who have been through hell. "Wait," That's when you popped up in your seat, "What about the woman in the cave with us? Did you get her too?" The way the woman eyed you made your head spin, "Woman? What woman?"

Your throat dried out, "Mrs. Thornhill, she—she's the real monster. She's been manipulating all of us, using Tyler as some type of... puppet to make him do sick things. You have to find her, please, she's going to—"

"Ma'am," The woman stood in front of your cell now, looking down at your frantic state. "There was no woman in that cave. You're not feeling well, your therapist will be here soon." You scoffed, is she talking about Dr. Kinbott? No, she can't see you like this, she'll start talking about your "healing journey", second chances, and other bullshit. You'd rather rot in this very cell than be taken out to a mental hospital and wake up to her smiling down at you everyday.

"Bullshit!" Tyler voiced your exact thought, "If you're just gonna stand here and call us crazy, then get the Sheriff in here instead, he'll actually do his job right." The officer laughed in his face, making Tyler's blood boil. "Look, kid," She crossed her arms across her chest, "I don't care who you're daddy is, alright? You're a damn criminal as far as I'm aware, so you'll be treated like every other criminal."

"Excuse you, officer," All heads turned at the man walking through the door, the tapping off his boots alerting his arrival. "But your badge doesn't give you the right to talk to citizens like that." The lady in question turned her entire body facing the man, straightening her posture. "Sheriff Galpin." The man nodded, "Officer."

The officer cleared her throat, "Is he your—"

"Yes, he's my damn son, not a damn criminal." Sheriff Galpin walked past the officer and keys jingled in his hands as he fidgets with the lock belonging to Tyler's cell door. "And I'm here to let him and the girl go, charges were dropped."

You hurried to the cell bars, watching the man you just yelled at a few days ago free you from literal prison, more grateful than ever. As soon as you stepped foot out of the cell, Tyler greeted you with a warm hug, and you didn't hesitate to give in. Mr. Galpin sighed and directed his attention to the police officer, using her as an excuse not to look at you two instead. "You're dismissed."

Sheriff Galpin waited for the previous officer to fully exit the room before turning back to his son, "Sorry I got here late, looks like they put you two in a different station outside of town."

"Okay, so," You stepped in, "Mind telling us why we were thrown in jail in the first place? The other officers didn't say anything other than how we're suspects of manslaughter, which is pretty vague." The older man exhaled while falling back to lean on the wall, "Well, you are suspects of the monster attacks in this town, all thanks to the work of Wednesday."

You smacked your lips with attitude, "Man, I knew she was behind all of this. After all I've done for her, why did she go behind our backs?" Sheriff Galpin rolled his head towards you, "Well, she submitted quite a few pieces of evidence targeting you both. First off, you asked her for a tranquilizer and a 'highly affective sedative'? What the hell is that about?" You rolled your eyes, "I know it looks bad, but I needed it to rescue Tyler from Mrs. Thornhill, but I didn't want to kill her—"

"Wait, hold on a second," The Sheriff stood upright again, "Mrs. Thornhill? The woman you kidnapped a few months back?"

"Okay, I didn't kidnap her," You pinched the bridge of your nose, "I accidentally made her disappear using my ability."

Sheriff Galpin nodded in amusement, "Right, of course, you made her disappear."

"Okay, we don't have time for this." Tyler interrupted the dispute, "So, charges were dropped, but me and Y/N are still seen as targets to Wednesday. I mean, how are we supposed to walk in public freely after this?"

"Well, you don't have to worry about your public image as far as I know." Mr. Galpin disclosed, "Principal Weems would never want something like 'Nevermore Student Suspected of Manslaughter' to get out into the public. As of now, only a handful of police officers, Principal Weems, Wednesday, and you two know this information."

"Though, as for Wednesday," The older man went ahead and pulled out a cigarette from a small box located in his back pocket. "I don't know what the hell to do about that girl. She's persistent though, I'll give her that."

It was silent in the circle, everyone keeping their heads low while thinking of a solution, until you raised your own head. "I think I can take care of her. Let me worry about that, what about Mrs. Thornhill? She's extremely dangerous."

"I agree," The sound of two flicks from Sheriff Galpin's lighter interrupted his statement, "So we'll arrest her instead and declare her guilty. Technically she is guilty for this, just managed to keep her hands relatively clean from it."

"Though, even with her gone," Tyler mumbled underneath his breath, looking at his own two hands. "My hands aren't clean, I can't just get away with it scot-free. I'm a monster, dad."

"No, you're not a monster, you're my son." Mr. Galpin temporarily removed the cigarette from in between his lips so he could put his hands on either shoulders of Tyler. "Your mother went through the same thing, and I will not let what happened to her happen to you."

Tyler lifted his eyes to look at his father's, vision blurring from newly formed tears. "Mom? What happened to her?"

Tyler's dad pursed his lips, "I'll tell you one day, Tyler. One day. But today, we need to get you two the hell out of here, at least until this whole thing blows over."

Your eyebrows furrowed, "And go where?"

Mr. Galpin turned to you to give you one final smirk, "Remember that trip to your family's you and Tyler were going to take?"



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