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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

We hit 30k reads AND 1k votes?! That's literally INSANE to even say out loud, I appreciate you all so much! So, to show my gratitude, I decided to give y'all another chapter today AND it's my longest one yet. Enjoy! This is when shit gets REAL.


"I can't believe I'm out here again." You held on tight to your small flashlight, paying attention to the distant footsteps behind you. "Yeah, this is a little extreme," Enid mumbled as she kept alert while walking through the dark forest. "But at least we're all together!"

"Yeah," You stopped walking and turned to look at the duo lacking behind. "Why are we all together though? Like, I thought Wednesday was gonna feed me to the wolves alone just to prove a point or something."

"That's not true," Wednesday stared at you before walking ahead, "Wolves haven't been spotted in this area for more than 10 years." You watched her walk away, looked at Enid, then followed behind. "You have such a way with words, Wednesday."

It had only been a week since you were discharged from the hospital, and yet here you are, going back to the same place you almost died at. You try not to overthink that night, just forget the gory details and call yourself lucky. Because you were, technically, but the trauma, prescribed medication, and obvious injury didn't make you feel so lucky.

You filled the quiet air, "So, are you gonna tell us the plan yet, Wednesday?"

"No," Wednesday didn't face you, "I don't need you backing out last minute."

"Which I understand, but we're kind of already here, so there's no turning back." Your breath was shaky, no matter how nonchalant you seemed in the moment, you were freaking out just seeing the same trees from that night. Your boots crushing leaves and twigs on the ground were sounds you remember exactly from that night, but it felt different. It made you uneasy, the dust shining through the dinky flashlight was unsettling, and the pain from your back made you nauseous.

I'm doing this for Tyler, you took a mental reminder to motivate you, I need to clear our names from Wednesday's blacklist.

You cleared your throat as you caught up with Wednesday's steps, Enid making sure to follow close behind. "Why did you bring Enid along? I don't want to drag her into unnecessary danger, this is for me and Tyler, right?"

Wednesday nodded, "Right, but me and Enid aren't going to be doing anything."

"Good, wait—" You blinked a few times, "What does that mean? Am I, like, being sacrificed or something?"

Wednesday turned her head to make eye contact, "It's not a sacrifice if you survive."

You break your eyes away, fuck.

"Hey uhm, I'm real glad to hear that I'm not apart of this, truly, but that doesn't mean I want to watch Y/N get herself killed!" Enid finally spoke up into the dark void, still cautiously scanning her surroundings for any obvious abnormal creatures standing 10 feet tall with big claws. "You don't have to watch," Wednesday slowed down her paste, "I'm not that cruel."

You couldn't stop yourself from brewing up nervous laughter, really gathering up the position you put yourself into as you stood in the same place you found Rowan's glasses. "Great, now that we're here," You shove your hands into the pockets of your hoodie, "Can you tell us your plan already?"

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