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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator

This chapter is NOT sexual, I just wanna make that clear because I don't want to make this woman seem like a pedophile LMAO... She's just... out of touch with reality a bit. Enjoy!


"Wakey wakey, my little pet." A sinister female voice echoed in the dark, cold room. Tyler's eyes popped open, like it was in his instincts to become fully alert. He used his scratched up bare feet to push him towards the wall for support, not being able to use his hands due to them being chained above his head. He had nightmares of the woman's voice, replaying in his head over and over again, taunting him when his guard is down.

Though, the moment she stepped into the torch's light, it didn't feel like a nightmare anymore, just his horrible reality.

"Good morning," The red head teased him as she crouched down to his level, "Well, good night actually, you slept through the entire day! Shame, isn't it?"

It pained Tyler to have a flashback of the night before, how the woman appeared in his house just merely minutes before Y/N left. All he remembered her wide smile, the same smile she pulls in front of those who adore her in public. Then, his vision went black, and reappeared in the same cave they always meet up in. The last time he was in these very same chains was when he first met the woman, when his life spiraled down into hell. It was when she was "training" his monster side, like he was some laboratory guinea pig.

He backed up closer to the wall in fear, "Mrs. Thornhill, I—" His speech was cut off with a hard slap across his face, making his cheek burn into a red color. The red head grabbed Tyler's face to snap his head in her direction, nails digging into his skin. "You do not call me that, dog." Mrs. Thornhill spat out venom from her bright red lipstick, "It's Master to you."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Tyler whimpered in fear, eyebrows turning downwards. "Forgive me... Master." Tyler cringed at that word every time he had to say it out loud, it was inhumane and really made him feel like the monster he was, even in his human form.

"Good boy, you're forgiven." Her smile returned as she patted his head while standing up straight. "Though, you've been acting up a lot lately, ever since you met that girl."

Tyler automatically knew who Mrs. Thornhill was referring to; Y/N Light. He had been nonstop thinking about you, wanting to run to you but at the same time stay as far away. He knew he'd keep you in danger the longer he stayed, so he has to push himself away... for both of your safeties.

"Y'know what's funny about that?" Mrs. Thornhill continued, "I remember specifically ordering you to pretend to be nice to her, then once she lets her guard down, you strike." Tyler's bottom lip quivered at her words trailed along her tongue, not knowing what'll slip out next. Though, he did remember the order, he remembered it too clearly, and yet he never intended to follow through after seeing you for the first time. His horrible reality just became... different, the air wasn't so heavy and the sky was a bit brighter than usual.

Y/N Light lit up his world, and there's no way in hell he'd let anyone dim it again, especially himself. Tyler would never forgive himself.

"So," The red head popping up in his blurred vision snapped Tyler out of his thoughts. "Care to explain why she's still walking around, ruining all of my plans with Wednesday?" Tyler stopped functioning, he just sat there on the cold stone, absolutely terrified of saying the wrong thing. His teeth jittered together, but didn't dare to blink as he was afraid he'll miss something at the very last second.

"I'm working on it, for now I'm just... trying to get information and clear my name from Wednesday's suspect list." As much as it pained Tyler to speak so poorly about you, it was believable enough for Mrs. Thornhill to offer him a deceiving grin. "There's my smart puppy," She scratched the top of his head as if it didn't belong to a literal human, "I knew you were still in there, obeying me."

Tyler clenched his fists above his head, his rage mixing with his fear boiling in his body. He couldn't tell how long he's been working with Mrs. Thornhill, but everytime he's with her, time seems to stop around them. It's like an unsettling dream that makes him wake up in a cold sweat at 4 in the morning, unable to go back to sleep without a cup of water by his bedside. Their days blended together and became blurry to Tyler, and Mrs. Thornhill became his living nightmare.

"I think you deserve a treat for that, don't you?" Mrs. Thornhill's famously sweet tone blossomed through her vocal cords, catching Tyler off guard for a split second before he remembered her true identity behind the tone. "Would you like a treat, boy?" Tyler winced when fidgeting in his spot, the numerous healing bruises over his body making it hard to move around smoothly. Nonetheless, he could only nod his head up at the woman towering over him.

The red head tilt her head, "What's the magic word?"

Tyler sighed, "Please."

"Good job!" Mrs. Thornhill gave him an exaggerated applause, "I'll go fetch you something— Oh! That reminds me, we should practice fetch tomorrow morning. Just like old times, it'll be a great bonding experience!"

She trotted away from his field of vision, seemingly going deeper into the cave, leaving Tyler helpless in chains. The agonizing feeling of his dignity shriveling away into nothingness never gets easier, as he can only build it back up so much before he has another meeting with Mrs. Thornhill. This can't be how the rest of his life goes, something has to happen, someone has to—

"Pssst, Tyler." The boy in question snapped his head up at the direction of the voice, it was feminine yet not a hint of sinister was in it. The bad lighting made it difficult for him to determine whose face belonged to the voice, until they stepped forward into the light.

"Y/N," Tyler's eyes lit up, "You found me."

You bent down to shine a reflective smile, "I found you, Tyler."



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