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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


You take a deep breath before pushing open the front doors to Weathervane Cafe. You've been here only a few times, yet you've never actually ordered anything, surprisingly. But, today is no different, as you're solely here to confront Tyler. Xavier had said he had done some pretty messed up things to him a while back, and although he didn't go into detail, it sounded bad. So, you want to give Tyler a chance to explain himself before making any assumptions... although you lied to Enid and Wednesday about not being here. As much as you love them, you just didn't want them all up in your business, you'll tell them what happens on your terms!

You couldn't help but instantly look over at Tyler at the counter, cleaning off a substance on the surface. You were really testing your luck by how long you were staring, and soon enough, he looked up and made eye contact with you. You froze, he smiled. Guess it's too late to back out now, you thought to yourself as you calmly walked to your normal booth. You thought you'd have some time to catch your breath and rehearse what you're going to say to Tyler, but as soon as you sat down, he's already walking over to you.

Stay calm, stay calm, stay—

"Hey, you're here." Tyler beamed, sitting in the seat across from you. You smiled in return, "Yeah, but don't you have to go back to work? I don't mind."

"Oh no no," Tyler shook his head, "You're okay, I'm on my lunch break." You desperately try to find a way to buy you more time and stall the inevitable conversation, "But, are you sure you don't want to... y'know, eat lunch on your lunch break?" Tyler released out a heartfelt laugh, showcasing his perfect teeth for the whole world to see. "That's typically what you do during your lunch break," Tyler hesitated to finish his sentence, "But I enjoy talking to you, lunch can wait."

Your smile widened, then you looked away and at your lap, nervously picking at your nails. Now, you feel bad about what you really came here to talk about. How are you even supposed to bring up something like that? 'Hey, I'm having a good time with you and think you're literally perfect, but also heard you're an asshole? True or False?' This is a nightmare!

"So," Tyler filled the quiet air, "How's school going?" You perked your head up, this could be your chance! "Oh, it's alright," You cleared your throat, "Besides the rumors of my failed attempt to murder my teacher, of course."

"Oh, right," Tyler suddenly felt guilty about bringing it up, "I'm sure once time goes by, there'll be more shocking things to happen and people will pay attention to that, making your rumor be old news!"

You nodded, "Right, I hope so. But, speaking of old news—"

"Wait, I think I know how to cheer you up," Tyler slid out of the booth and rushed to the counter. "Stay there!" You curse underneath your breath, there goes your perfect chance at starting up the awkward conversation about his past with Xavier.

Nonetheless, you watched the boy go crazy with ingredients and the machines behind the counter, he looked like a pro baker. You didn't even have a single clue on what he was making, but you just watched how focused he was. You were given the opportunity to really analyze him, how he squints his eyes and slightly bites his lower lip while making drinks.

The more you stare, the more you think; what could this guy possibly have done to Xavier? Because it definitely seems like he's changed as a person.

In just a few minutes, Tyler was back at your booth with freshly baked bread and two unknown drinks, but they smelled amazing. "I realized that out of all the times you've been here, I've never seen you order anything at the counter." Tyler explains as he readjusts himself in his seat, "So, I thought us having lunch together would cheer you up."

You looked at the delicious treats in front of you, then back at Tyler in awe. "With that being said," Tyler stated while lifting his coffee mug up to his lips, "Go on and tell me about yourself, Y/N Light."

You bit your bottom lip to stop you from smiling too wide, and also grabbing your cup. You then thought to yourself, maybe the Xavier conversation can wait a little longer.



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