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IFHY • Tyler, The Creator


"Just, let me explain," Tyler kept his shaking hand on the arrow in his chest when he looked up at you with tired eyes, "Please." You stared at the helpless boy in disbelief, this was the same boy who you've been talking to for weeks while killing people as a monster behind closed doors. There has to be some logical explanation for this, right?

Your eyes teared up, making you feel embarrassed at the desperate hope for an actual nice guy to light up your life. Who are you kidding, how the hell could you find a logical explanation for a situation like this?

Still, you stood there in silence, gluing your lips shut and letting the boy speak before you say something you'll regret. "I, I didn't know I'd end up like this, alright?" Tyler was out of breath, words chopped up in between his short breaths. "To be honest, I didn't know I was doing the wrong thing until I saw how you looked at me the night I almost killed you."

Your nose started running, making you sniffle and wipe your face using your sleeve. "Why did you approach me at the police station?" You mumbled, almost scared of his answer.

He bit his tongue, "She told me to get rid of you, but— but I never intended to, alright? I tried everything in my power to at least stay away from you when I turn, giving dumb excuses to her that I just couldn't find you. But, she just keep getting angrier—"

Tyler closed his eyes, almost like a different force was preventing him from spilling too much. "Please," He looked up at you with doe eyes, "Say something, anything, Y/N."

Your breath shuttered, you should be running away, calling for Wednesday and Enid that you found the monster. But, in reality you know you didn't find a monster, you found a boy who was just as scared as you, if not more.

"You just told me you were planning on killing me." You bent down to his level, leaning against the tree. "And yet," A tear rolled down your cheek and into the creases of your mouth. "I still... care about you, so much."

Tyler smiled and moved closer to you but instead had a sharp pain run through his body, causing him to wince. "Woah, okay, slow down." You put your arms around him, slowly moving his body against the tree for support. "Easy, easy," You kept your voice to a whisper in his ear, "There, stay still."

Tyler watched as you took a closer look at the arrow still dug into his right peck, luckily it didn't seem too deep into his skin. A stream of blood was flowing down his body, watching it travel made you realize that Tyler was wearing nothing but his underwear. You cleared your throat and darted your eyes back up to the injury, fortunately, Tyler didn't notice.

"Is it bad?" Tyler asked as he clutched onto the gems of your hoodie, "Because it hurts like hell." You took a moment to look up at him, "Yeah, but you'll be fine, probably." Tyler weakly smiled, "Sounds promising."

You looked around at your surroundings, trying to see if two short girls were out running around with bows and flashlights. Lucky for the both of you, they were nowhere in sight, giving you time to go through with the only plan you can think of. "Alright," You began to unzip your jacket, making Tyler a bit more interested. "I'm gonna take this arrow out of your chest, but we need to wrap your body with something to stop the bleeding... And all I can think of is my shirt." You sighed at the awkward situation, but nonetheless, you held your breath as you pulled your white tank top over your head and through your arms.

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