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Aaaand, the curtains are closed! It's done! I can finally talk to you guys one on one, Hi!

I'll keep this as short as I can, because bombarding y'all with a ton of words is probably the last thing you'd want right now after you read the final chapter of Hyde Me.

And, I don't really think words are enough to describe how grateful I am of you, the audience. You were the sole reason why I kept updating, as I've had countless attempts of posting stories and discontinued them because of the lack of motivation and reads. Knowing that real people are reading your creation and write comments saying that they can't wait for the next chapter? Literally nothing can beat that feeling, it's amazing, you guys are amazing. I truly appreciate you so much!! <3

Okay, sappy moment is over, now I'll answer some common questions just to clear the air!


"Will there be a second book?"
As of right now, I'm not writing one. However, when season 2 of Wednesday aires on Netflix, then I'll be taking it into consideration... (that means I most likely will be writing one then)!

"Any other books being written?"
Of course! I've said this before but I'll say it again, I plan to make a similar book to this one but with Wednesday and a fem!reader instead, though it's still in the works and I have no idea when/if I release it.

"Anything else other than that?"
Yes, eventually. I'm not obsessed with the show particularly, so I will most likely be posting books from other shows. A high possibility is an Alice in Borderland book, as I'm in love with that show and it's newest season. Other than that, expect lots to come!

"Will there be a posting schedule?"
Sadly no, as having expected deadlines with my procrastination is just not a good mix and I'd rush out a work piece that isn't as great as I could've made it. With this book, I tried my best to do daily posts just because the chapters were a lot shorter than I usually make them, but I still failed at some points. However, you guys were so patient and understanding with me, so that helped a lot. Thank you again!

"What should we know?"
I'm a student that goes to school and has a pretty busy life, so I will not always be on here. I usually post fairly late at night, but lately I've been on a break from school so that's why I was able to post at a better time. I will be starting back up in a few days, so that weird posting time will return LMAO so don't get your hopes up.

"Anything else?"
I love you guys from the bottom of my heart, and I love talking to you all. I will be continuing to interact with you, even if I never post a story ever again. Stay in contact, ok? : )


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