Chapter 4 - Mint

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As I made my way out of the forest and across the backyard, I glanced over at the dying plants I'd forgotten to water for weeks and made a mental note to try to revive them after getting cleaned up.

Hearing a shuffle from inside the house made me pause when I reached for my back door. I lived alone and that did not sound like Sash's almost weightless movements. Had he woken up?

Entering the kitchen, I spotted an unpeeled banana that had been removed from the fruit bowl and could smell the fairy's familiar scent lingering around me. I shut the door and headed towards the living room where the sounds were coming from.

He did not notice me enter behind him and continued focusing on the picture in hand as he reached to place it back on the shelf. His wings and antennae had disappeared and nothing about his appearance gave away that he was a fairy aside from his ashy mint hair. He looked just fine apart from the cast that still covered his right wrist and arm.

"You're awake."

A loud smash followed my voice as the fairy jumped in surprise, dropping the glass of water his other hand had been holding onto while his wings burst from his back.

"No –" It was already too late as he had immediately begun flying, his wing slamming into the chandelier above us. I dove to tackle him out of the way as it dislodged from the ceiling, falling and shattering as it hit the floor. Like the plants, tightening the screws on the chandelier had been another thing I constantly told myself I would get to but never had any time for.

The fairy's body tensed under my grip as his wings disappeared again. I quickly let him go to look down between us. He was barefoot but neither glass from the chandelier nor water had done any damage. My gaze lifted back up to find him standing stiffly, his arms in front of his chest as though he was subconsciously using them as a shield while he stared at me wide-eyed.

"You don't have to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you," I said. He swallowed continuing to watch me as if trying to gauge whether that could be believed. Eventually, he cleared his throat glancing towards the picture he had just put on the shelf.

"You're... This-this is your house, right?" he mumbled.

"Yes." I stepped back. "Don't move." The floor was glittering with tiny shards of glass. He nodded, his face morphing into adorable guilt and embarrassment as he looked at the mess before his eyes lifted back to mine.

"Um... Where-Where exactly am I?"

"You're at the Tala pack. I'm the Alpha."

"Werewolf... That explains the speed," he mumbled more to himself as he glanced over me. "Sorry about..." he pointed his hand to the floor and my eyes widened as the water that had been spilt drew into the air and disappeared into his palm.


"I thought... You're a water fairy?" That was odd. I was sure fairies always resembled their powers. Water fairies had blue wings and traces of the colour in their hair, which was why I assumed he would be an earth fairy. I did not come across fairies very often at all though, so figured the information I had gathered about them in the past may have been wrong.

"Water fairy?" His brows furrowed in confusion. I opened my mouth to elaborate but paused. How much had he hurt his head? How could he not know what he was? He clearly knew how to use his powers though.

"Who are you?" The question was met with only a wide-eyed blank stare back at me and I chuckled. "Your name. Which clan are you from? What kind of trouble did you run into the night you got hurt? Do you know your way home? Do you know why no one has come looking for you?" The fairy's face skewed at all of my questions.

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