Chapter 8 - Mom

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Talian's POV


"Lian, I told you not to use other magic when you're outside." The woman spoke sternly while wiping a warm cloth over my arm. Looking down at my forearm confused, I realised it had been badly cut but could not remember how that happened. As her hand passed over it, the cut disappeared leaving the arm only covered in lingering streaks of blood.

"But Mom –" I began as she turned to rinse the cloth.

"No, we've talked about this," she cut me off giving me a serious stare. I frowned and she let out a harsh sigh shifting closer to me, her attention moving from the arm and water for a bit as her eyes focused on mine. She looked so concerned, her gaze going soft. "You know it'll draw attention from other clans and it's not safe for you or anyone else. People find it scary. You need to stop."

I grit my teeth defiantly and shook my head at that.

"That's not true, everyone likes my magic." The other kids thought it was really cool that I could do things they could not, they asked me to show them. It also wasn't fair. Why couldn't I use some of my magic when everyone else could use all of theirs? It wasn't my fault I could do other things as well.

"Talian, listen to me. Some people might not be happy that you can do more, okay? They might think it's threatening and look what happened to your arm, it clearly is dangerous. This could have ended so much worse. You need to be careful, not just for you sake but for everyone else. You could hurt someone even if you're not trying to. Do you understand?" I bit my lip staring into her pleading eyes as she waited for me to reply and eventually gave a nod. I didn't like how afraid she seemed, didn't like making her worry so much that her face creased to make her look much older than she was. "You can only use your magic inside when I am here or when Daddy is."

"Okay..." I mumbled looking at the water that had turned red after she dipped the cloth into it. She brought it back to my arm to wipe away the rest of the drying blood and my eyes stayed stuck to the bucket. It was completely crimson showing that there had been a lot of blood and the gash in my arm had been quite deep before she healed it. I had not even really felt the cut though the adrenaline surrounding the accident. I couldn't remember if it hurt.

"There. Good as new." I smiled when she kissed my arm before squirming as she reached to pinch my cheek lightly, the reaction made us both laugh. "It's getting cold." She said turning back to the bucket. It was then that I noticed that the floor was covered in trails of blood splashes and droplets coming all the way from the front door.

"Sorry, Mom."

"It's okay. You're okay and that's what matters," she replied. I still felt bad so looked over at the fireplace and pointed to it instantly causing flames to burst from the previously dark blocks of wood. My face skewed in guilt right after I lit the fire as I remembered what we had just talked about.

"Is that allowed?" I asked.

"Yes. Like I said, it's okay when you're home with your father or me here. So warm. Thank you, Sweetheart." I smiled as she hugged me gently before pulling back. "Let's clean this up before anyone else walks by and gets scared by the blood." I nodded.

"I'll get the mop."

"Don't slip."

"'Kay," the response was followed by my wings spreading out.

"Lian," I smiled hearing her laugh as I left the room flying instead of walking to avoid slipping on the blood.


The room was dim despite it being 9 AM as I sat up in bed. The curtains were still shut, as was the door. My eyes traced over a sliver of light that passed through the part in the curtains, snaking onto the bed and I placed my hand in the light letting it shine onto the back of my hand. It was warm. The gash on my arm had looked nothing like the light currently cutting across my skin. I frowned remembering the dream and comparing it to what I'd read in the kitchen the previous morning.

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