Chapter 19 - Eyes

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I hopped down the stairs, the soft thudding of my sock-covered feet breaking the silence in the house. Sash never made a sound apart from meowing when she wanted food or petting and at the moment, she was asleep on my bed upstairs. She had been asleep for the past few hours with barely any movement, only slightly shifting positions to allow the sun to warm a different part of her body.

It was the first time in days that Kendrick was actually in his house, but he had been in the office since arriving back and I figured he was working so kept my distance. Though, it was becoming concerning not having heard a sound from him in the past five hours.

So once on the ground floor, I began to make my way to the door near the end of the hallway. Knocking a couple of times while pausing for a response resulted in none and eventually, I reached for the knob and carefully pushed the door open trying not to startle Kendrick if he was too engrossed in work to notice the sound of someone at the door. That was not the case, and it turned out the lack of response was because he was asleep.

Stepping into the office carefully, I left the door open as I took a step closer to the desk.

It was clear he had fallen asleep unintentionally, his computer screen had gone dark but was clearly still on. There was a pen in his relaxed hand, his arms resting on the table acting as a pillow for his head. Even asleep, he looked exhausted. The fatigue etched into his features made me want to reach out and gently massage his eyebrows so he could relax in his sleep. The rest of his features did not make the thought any less tempting. His skin was smooth apart from the areas just above and below his lips where a shadow of hair could be seen forming. I wanted to trace my finger along his cheeks, nose and jaw too to feel the texture of his skin. Kind of wanted to feel his lips again, they looked quite soft and plump at the moment. How surprised would he be if he woke up to me touching him though? I felt my face heat in embarrassment just thinking about having to explain that.

I blinked at my thoughts in surprise and quickly shifted my eyes away from him. He was alluring even without any intention of being so.

The desk was neat and clean apart from an empty paper cup that was stained with the coffee it had once been filled with. There was a sandwich too, but it was untouched in a plastic container.

Deciding to get rid of the cup, I began to reach out but gasped when something shifted to grab my wrist. My instincts told me to back up but I couldn't get very far as the grip held on and I realised it was Kendrick's hand. I didn't know what else I was expecting it to be, but my heart had nearly burst out of my chest when he first grabbed hold.

"Kendrick!" I yelled placing my free hand on my chest to make sure my heart was still where it was supposed to be because it felt like it was fighting to get out of my body.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you would be so frightened." He gave an apologetic smile, pulling his hand back and thus tugging me closer to his desk again.

"You were awake?" I asked.

"The door." Kendrick nodding towards it reminded me what he was. Right, I should have assumed it impossible to enter a room without waking a sleeping werewolf.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay. You needed something?" he asked.

"I... uh..." I drifted seeing that he was still holding onto my wrist, his grip had loosened slightly so his hand was sliding into my palm. "No, I just didn't hear anything from you for a while..."

"I'm alright, Talian." I nodded as he grinned at me. He didn't say anything more and I wasn't sure what to say as he just continued to stare at me with a smile on his face. Eventually, I began to feel fidgety under his gaze, a slight self-consciousness began to raise through me.

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