Chapter 30 - A Plea

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"It's times like this that I wish I was a werewolf," I frowned.

"Why?" I could hear the amusement in Kendrick's voice, but couldn't not see him because of the blindfold he had tied over my eyes five minutes prior. We had been driving for about forty minutes when he decided he wanted the destination of the trip to be a 'surprise'.

"You know why." He chuckled at the reply and I felt my brows lower, my eyes shifting beneath their lids.

"Don't glare at me with your eyes closed, we're almost there." How he knew that I was trying to glare at him was beyond me.

Werewolves were lucky, their heightened senses basically gave them vision when they did not have any. They could smell where they were, hear things no one else could, and probably even taste the difference in the air. I wondered where we were. For about fifteen minutes on our drive, buildings had cleared and were replaced by open fields, there were fewer cars on the route we were taking. I thought maybe we were heading out of the city, to a different forest or something but then the buildings returned.

I wondered if I would have been able to recognise anything had I had my memory, but then remembered the recollection I had of my siblings and me sneaking off the island. It made me doubt that we did much exploring of the land below.

"You said my island isn't anywhere near your pack?" I asked suddenly curious about that.

"Yes, there aren't any fairy islands above the clouds in our region. Though fairy clans don't like to mix, the islands are relatively near one another, and they tend to stay near the poles or Nordic areas. Even fire fairies seem to prefer colder regions."

"Maybe that's because other species do not."


"Kendrick –" I began with an exasperated groan.

"Stop. Only two more minutes, I promise," he laughed.

I crossed my arms, leaning back against the car seat as I gave up, but my nose caught an odd smell. It was immediately calming, although utterly confusing because I could not place the smell. It was somehow warm and refreshing. Distracted by the new scent, I had not even noticed that the car had stopped moving until I felt Kendrick's fingers brush against my neck when he reached to undo the blindfold.

The light touch was surprisingly impactful as I was left disappointed when he drew away while gently tugging at the cloth that covered my eyes, but my disappointment was short-lived as I saw the view ahead. I gasped—the ocean.

I climbed out of the car staring ahead in awe. It was huge. It continued towards either side, and straight ahead it stretched into the horizon, it just didn't end. We were in a parking lot with not many other cars around as it had become cloudy in the past few hours. There were just two other cars occupying the lot and I could not see any people nearby. I headed down the wooden stairs, but paused and quickly took off my shoes noting the white sand. I was going to carry them as I headed towards the water but felt Kendrick take the shoes from my hand before returning to the car.

"I'll catch up!" he called out between laughter; it made me realise I had not even noticed that I'd just walked off from him to head further onto the sand.

It was warm and soft beneath my feet which seemed to sink into it every time I stepped forward, the grains shifting between my toes. The sensation was odd and new, but interesting. I could not imagine having ever stepped on sand like that before. Something told me I had never been far enough from my island to see a beach. I gasped and jumped back when the ice-cold foam touched my toes as I made it to the water before laughing and following the retreating water only for it to come back in a bigger wave that wet my pants all the way up to my knees. Still, I followed as the water retreated again delighted by all the sensations of the wet sand, water and the smell of the ocean.

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