Chapter 11 - Violet

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*Kendrick's POV*

"Why are you still here?" Talian asked from where he stood not far away from me in my backyard, his head turned as he studied one of his wings.

"Hilliel said to observe your healing progress. Come on, fly. I have a meeting in an hour."

The fairy grinned over at me and then took flight. He lifted off the ground gracefully before flying higher, tilting upside down and twirling to test his wings. Eventually, he stopped and lowered but did not land.

"See? Good as new," he said. "Want to fly? I'll lift you." I tilted my head at the question, my gaze shifting over his lean body.

"With those arms? You'll drop me."

"I thought you said werewolves were used to getting hurt. You're afraid of falling, Kendrick?" I smiled as he smirked down at me before lifting my hands for him to grab hold of. He lowered slightly to run his hands through mine and onto my wrist to grab hold, I did the same securing my grip around his left wrist but I did not do the same to his right as it was once again covered in a cast.

"Don't hurt yourself." I frowned.

"I'm fine. Here." He let go of my hand to point his right to a branch on the ground and I raised my brows when it flew over, distorting and wrapping itself around his hand and mine once he had clasped his hand over my wrist again. It was a sturdy branch that seemed like it should have snapped when wrapping the way it had, but it looked completely bendable for a moment before hardening back to its previous state around our hands.

"Wow," I muttered touching it with my other hand. It was completely solid and I did not understand how it could have bent without breaking.

Talian's grip on my wrists tightened and I focused on his wings as they flapped elegantly to lift us onto the air. I chuckled as he let out a light grunt when hoisting me off the ground and he narrowed his eyes at me in a glare that only made me laugh more. Focusing on the fact that my feet were no longer touching the ground, I looked back down and noticed that we were three meters up in the air. It was an interesting sensation, like sky diving but not heading back towards the ground.

I looked up feeling Talian's grip slip from my right wrist as we began falling. I stumbled upon landing and fell back, coughing as I hit the ground while tugging Talian along as the branch still held us together and he lost his balance, slamming down against my chest.

"Oops. You okay?" I nodded to answer his question.

"Good thing I'm used to getting hurt," I teased as he gave me a sheepish smile and I noticed his wings had disappeared. "Your wings retracted fast."

"To prevent any more injuries... My wings are strong, arms... not so much."

I chuckled at that and lifted my hand to brush away the curly green hair that had fallen over his eyes. His hair had grown a lot since I found him. My fingers paused behind his ear when I noticed him staring down at me. His eyes seemed to be studying my face as they lingered over my features and I let my palm rest against his cheek, the touch drawing his eyes back to mine. They widened slightly as if just realising he was staring but before he could react, I lifted my shoulder off the ground to roll over so he was beneath me.

He was surprised by the movement but when I leaned my face close to his, he didn't say anything and just kept staring at me until my lips brushed against his. I barely gave it a second before pulling away to see his reaction. His eyes were still wide but glanced down to my lips and back up into my eyes. I then felt his free hand grip hold of the fabric above my chest lightly. It made me smile, it was subtle and somewhat timid but clear.

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