Chapter 53 - 2 AM

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The phone ringing broke the silence that had filled my makeshift office for the past few hours. I was sitting at the kitchen counter of the apartment I was renting. The noise was the first thing that made me look up in what seemed like a while, so my eyes automatically glanced over at the clock.

It was 2 AM.

I had been reading and taking notes for about five hours since my last snack break. I sighed reaching for the phone as the ringing persisted, even though I had just let it ring for more than fifteen seconds so far.

I wasn't surprised by the name on the screen, but the time he was calling had me confused. If it was Zev or Lyall, or one of my pack's Deltas, I would have been worried.

"Good morning," I greeted.

"Hey... I wanted to check in."

"At 2 AM? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I miss you though." I shook my head at that, amused. "Seriously, when will you be back?"

"When he comes with me."

I had 'convinced' myself that maybe, just maybe if I met Talian and talked to him, I would be able to let him go. But after meeting him, there was no way. I was afraid that he would not want to be with me anymore, even if he remembered me eventually, but that was okay... It was okay as long as I could make sure he was safe before we said goodbye. I would never get over him, but I could live with that if he was safe.

He wasn't.

I knew that much.

It was clear to me that his father wanted to use Talian's magic for whatever 'revenge' he wanted.

I didn't know if what his father had told him about their pack was true. I didn't know how Talian concluded that he had harmed their pack if his father had told him that they had been attacked. There was the possibility that he had remembered, but his father had hidden that memory again. Then why would his father lie about their pack being attacked?

"Kendrick, it's been months." Hilliel sighed. "I need you."

"If you need help with something, Zev can help you; that's why he's there. I can listen to you for now, but you'll have to wait until I get back if you need something done," I said, shifting my focus back to the book in front of me to continue reading over the paragraph I had been studying when he called.

Zev and Lyall were helping me look for a witch we could trust – or at least negotiate with fairly – while I tried to find spells they could use to help Talian regain his memory. As far as research went, and according to the witches we had already spoken to, memory spells were incredibly hard and only a few witches even attempted them, let alone mastered them.

Talian's father and Adaire were quite strong. His family was impressive with their magic and spells. Talian's father was only half-witch and had managed to seemingly master spells most witches could not execute.

So, we had to be careful when it came to him.

Hilliel was quiet for a moment before he let out a breath. I sat up realising what he meant.

"I told you we won't be hooking up anymore," I said.

"When you were with him. You aren't anymore. He's gone. Just come back."

"Even if he is 'gone', it doesn't change what I said."

"Why him?" Hilliel's voice went soft. He sounded hurt. "I've been here the whole time, Kendrick."

I bit my lip. I could practically hear Zev's, 'I told you so' ringing in my ears.

He was going to be glad he had been proven right, and then he was going to be so annoyed that I had hooked up with Hilliel to begin with.

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