Chapter 16 - Leak

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Hilliel's fingers dug into my skin, clinging to my arms as I lifted him onto the table. I gave a chuckle when something dropped, smashing at our feet, and attempted to make sure it was nothing important but was barely able to break our kiss for a second before he leaned back into me, bringing his mouth to mine once again. His breathless mumble to 'just let it be,' barely made it out through our kissing and I nodded forgetting about whatever was on the floor as I moved to undo his belt.

I broke away and listened to his rugged, heavy breathing while trailing kisses from his mouth to his chin, his jaw and then his neck where I began to suck at his skin causing a sexy moan to vibrate through his throat. It sounded like he was melting. I kept sucking at his skin, enjoying the sounds he made as his hands reached to grab hold of my locks, his legs wrapping around my hips. Drawing back, I planted a peck on the red bruise on his neck that was quickly healing and chuckled as I kissed him again.

"I can't take this off if you keep clinging to me, Babe." Hilliel gave me a playfully annoyed, somewhat embarrassed glare and I laughed as his legs moved from my waist. His arms tightened around my neck as I lifted him for a second to slide his pants and underwear off of his hips before he kicked them the rest of the way down his legs letting them land on the office floor beside the other clothing that had been tossed aside and the digital clock that had fallen minutes earlier.

Spotting some purple at the corner of my eye, I looked over and smiled seeing a vase full of lilacs in the corner of the office. The colour reminded me of the bed of violet that still covered my backyard courtesy of the fairy. There was also the newly planted rose I had given him, he had put it in the once-barren garden that lined the outside of the back of my house and caused it to grow a bit resulting in a few leaves sprouting from the stem. I had never had that much colour or life in my yard before.

Hilliel moving to undo my pants drew my attention back to him and I attempted to lean into him but paused as my phone began to vibrate and then ring in my pocket. He raised his brows and I shook my head lifting my hand to the crook of his neck to tug him towards me as the other moved to wrap around his hardened dick. His breath caught as my thumb grazed over the slippery tip, his back arching causing his bare chest to press against mine as I captured his lips again and felt his heavy breathing quicken into my mouth as I began to stroke him. The ringing stopped as I figured it would, but it started up again almost immediately.

Hilliel let out a groan that sounded painful as he drew his mouth from mine and let his head fall onto my bare shoulder.

"Check it, Alpha."

"You sure?" I asked running my palm along the warm, dampened skin of his thigh. "I can help you finish first." His sighing into my neck made it obvious he very much wanted that, but he shook his head.

"Could be important," he mumbled despite beginning to kiss my neck softly as his hands trailed over my chest and arms.

I nodded tucking my hand into my pocket and checking my phone. Zev was calling. I ignored the call and was surprised to see several message notifications from him, Lyall and a few other people. Opening Lyall's messages first caused me to freeze after just skimming through the last few.

"Shit!" the hiss made Hilliel sit up suddenly looking concerned.

"What?" I stepped away from him as Zev's name flashed onto the screen, ringing starting up again and I answered my phone.

"What the hell happened?"

"You need to get here right now," he replied.

"I'm on my way." I turned to grab my shirt and began buttoning it while reaching for my blazer. "Sorry, I have to go. I'll call you later."

Hilliel called out a concerned-sounding 'alright!' as I left the room tugging the jacket over my shoulders. His office was near the back of the hospital so I did not have to walk through the whole place to get to the staff parking where I found my car and quickly set off heading into the city.

The road wasn't very busy as it was a couple of hours after lunch and I tapped the screen on my dashboard to call Zev while manoeuvring my way through the city hoping to quicken my journey to the office by not running into any red lights. The car felt incredibly hot despite the aircon being on full blast and I knew it was because my stress had shot up as soon as I saw those messages. This couldn't be happening, not when we only had three months before the launch.

"Tell me I read Lyall's messages wrong," I said as soon as he answered.

"We don't know what happened, Kendrick. Ricky bought the device to take it apart and it's exactly like ours, a perfect replica, even the system. I called Hamilton and they somehow got their patent approved before ours was processed, they must have paid someone." How was that possible? We were on a Track One review and knew someone that was expediting the process even faster for us.

"Shit! How the fuck could this happen?! Even if they paid someone, they must have been planning this for at least two years. No one but the development and marketing teams knew about this project!"

"Right. One of them must have leaked it."

"Them or one of the Deltas. Look, have you compiled a list of everyone that was on the project? If not, do that – make sure you include Deltas, their mates and other people they could have shared it with. Also, we need to start calculating loss. We can't launch now without getting fucking sued. Damnit, this is a fucking mess. Lyall said it's Kraton?" I asked.

"I'll get that started. Yes, Kraton launched their version – well, our version with their name on it – this morning. You think it has something to do with Lawrence?"

"Of course it does, Zev. They did this to get back at us for that fucking war. Look, I'm nearly there, I'll meet you upstairs. Call the managers."

"On it, Alpha." I hung up and tightened my hands around the steering wheel.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Two years. We had been planning this product, developing, testing for over eight years and the past two years were when we began to get ready to perfect it, patent what needed to be, manufacture and launch. That all went down the drain in a few hours.

We were going to lose a ridiculous amount of money no matter what. We had already begun manufacturing, had already worked on marketing, and arranged the advertising. The product was already there and now we wouldn't be able to sell it without being sued by Lawrence. It was not worth it. I could already see that the only way we were going to get any of what we spent returned was if we sold everything we had already made to Kraton at a huge loss.

Either way, lawsuit or selling, we were losing millions and it was going to devastate our pack's tech company TTC and possibly our finances as we would probably have to dig into pack funding or use funding from one of the other companies to keep the company afloat through this.

How the hell had this happened?! We had made sure to try to keep it under wraps as much as possible to prevent any leaks. Even though I was still going to look into them, no one on the marketing or manufacturing floors had enough information to have been the person that leaked the product. Was it even a 'leak' at this point? They basically shared our entire product and patent. They were trying to ruin us.

When we found out who it was, they were getting no leniency, they were out of the pack and if they dared try to join Lawrence's pack, they would be killed instead.


Thank you for reading :D

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