Chapter 18 - Zev

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Kendrick seemed incredibly busy recently, only dropping by the house for less than an hour at a time to shower, change and check if I was doing alright before disappearing off to work again. There was not even a moment to have a conversation, so I had not been able to ask him what was keeping him so busy. He seemed exhausted though, from what I had seen of him. I wondered if someone that busy remembered to sleep or eat...

Heading to the park had become part of my daily routine just to avoid being cooped up in the house all day. I had met a few more people, only a couple of adults over the age of ten so most of my new friends were kids but I didn't mind because it was still fun playing with the little ones I ran into at the park.

I was on my way there when someone called out to me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Zev jogging towards me and grinned turning to greet him fully.

"Hello, Beta." The greeting made his smile wider.

"Ah, getting used to the pack jargon."

I nodded. "It seems like I might be here a while, so..."

His soft eyes showed a bit of pity. "How's your memory recovery process going?"

"Not well." I had not recalled anything more since the memory of my siblings and me jumping off the island and that had been quite a few days ago.

"Don't try too hard, I've heard things like that just come flooding back when you least expect it." Or not at all. I did not say that though, instead just agreed in an attempt not to damper both our moods. Zev's expression seemed to scrutinise my answer for a couple of seconds. "We haven't really spoken, have we?" He looked at his watch and then back to me. "Talian, I'm going to get some lunch. Would you like to come along?"

"Now?" I glanced over him. "Aren't you... working?" He was dressed in perfectly-pressed grey trousers, a white button-up shirt and a tie that matched the pants decorated by a silver tie clip. He even wore formal dark brown dress shoes.

"It can wait."

"Okay. Well, yeah. In that case, I'd like to grab something to eat." It would be nice to speak to another adult too. It was hard to talk to the babysitters at the park because little werewolves were so busy and adventurous we had to keep focused on them constantly.

Zev led me back to his house, which was surprisingly close to Kendrick's being just two doors down, and then we drove into the city talking about what had been keeping him – as well as Kendrick and a few other pack members – so busy. It was a lot to take in given that there was a history that went with the pack they were having problems with but the bottom line was that everyone was doing some serious damage control at the moment.

The restaurant we ended up at seemed like it was aimed more at dinner dining. Zev mentioned that he did not like busy places and every place that catered specifically to lunch was having their lunchtime rush of customers at the moment so he was avoiding all of that. I did not mind either way.

We sat beside the windows at the front of the restaurant so we could see outside while waiting for our food.

"When do you have to be back?" I asked after we had ordered.

"Whenever." Zev smiled.


"No one will say anything, I get my work done no matter what time I show up. Also, I'm a Beta. And if one person is bothered, he won't say anything anyway." I tilted my head.

"Kendrick?" An Alpha seemed like the only person that might say something to their Beta. He lifted his chin in a nod.

"Can I ask... what's with you two?"

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