Chapter 6 - Duo-type

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Odd. My brows lowered as I scrolled down to the next article and clicked on it, my eyes catching familiar words while skimming over it. It said the same thing all the others had. The colours fairies had always conveyed what type of fairy they were. Earth fairies were green, water fairies blue, fire fairies had orange elements and wind fairies were grey.

So why were Talian's wings green when he was clearly a water fairy? Did he somehow stain them and dye his hair? That didn't explain his eyes. Perhaps his eyes were just coincidentally green though. Why would he want to hide what type of fairy he was? Maybe he had been hiding from someone before landing in my yard... Someone harmful finding him would explain the condition he had ended up in.

If only he could remember.

I looked down as Sash stretched on my lap, her nails lightly scratching against the skin of my chest as she reached up. I chuckled taking the hint and began giving her gentle pats causing murmured purrs to fill the kitchen as she cuddled closer to me, her soft hair brushing my stomach. The sound of a door opening upstairs signalled that Talian was awake. I could not hear the inside of his room when the door was shut. Soundproofing most of the rooms in my house was natural when I could hear a pin drop in the house next door if I focused my hearing enough.

His footsteps pattering down the stairs made me realise he had no clothing and I furrowed my brows wondering why he hadn't pointed that out earlier. He had just been wearing the patients' hospital uniforms since waking up.

"Oh – Morning." I smiled at how surprised he seemed after spotting me.

"Good morning. Aren't you uncomfortable?" I glanced over him. His eyes fell onto the white cotton shirt he was wearing and his shoulders lifted. "Do you need clothes?"

"I... You've done so much –"

"We'll get something for you to wear after breakfast." I cut him off. What else was he going to do? Continue walking around barefoot in that uniform?

"O-okay. Thank you..." Talian's eyes fell from mine, widening slightly as they landed onto my chest before narrowing as he looked at Sash. His face fell as he studied her, his gaze quickly turning serious and tense.

I dropped my arm away from the laptop to circle the cat, hugging her closer to me because his expression was unsettling. Did he have something against cats? He'd have to leave then.

"What?" Why was he staring at her like that?

"The cat has tumours."

"What?" I looked down. She seemed fine, quite content as she slept on my lap. My brows lowered as I looked back at him.

"Intestinal." He walked over to us.

"How do you...? What are you talking about? How would you know that? You're..." a water fairy, and even if he was not – impossible because he could control water, how could an earth fairy notice that from so far away? "Talian –" my voice lowered into a warning when he reached out but he just placed his hand on Sash's stomach. The touch made her nudge her head against his arm as she curled to open her stomach up more for further touching.

The reaction made me frown. It was surprising, she usually did not like being touched by new people, and especially did not let anyone but me touch her stomach. A light green glow began to emit from Talian's hand as he held it to her belly.

I glanced up again confused by the colour and what he was doing. Earth fairy? He had to be if he could heal animals. Could he be both water and earth? I'd never heard of that before, but then again, I had never been interested in fairies until one plummeted into my yard.

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