Chapter 14 - Rose

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"So that's set for next week. Any questions?" I shook my head and looked over at Zev to see if he had any while Nathan's eyes followed. He wasn't looking at us, his eyes aimed at the notebook in front of him but clearly not focused on it.

"Beta," I called out causing him to blink and glance around as if disoriented before quickly realising that everyone was watching him. I linked to him explaining that Nathan was waiting for his reply to the presentation that had just finished.

"Uh, no. No questions. Good work. What's next?" I lowered my brows as the next person spoke up and headed to the front of the room.

Zev seemed to clench his jaw as his focus returned to his notes and he wrote something down. I averted my gaze back to the front of the room as the next presentation started but was drawn to my laptop as a message popped up in the corner of the screen.

It was an alert that my home office door had been opened. I did not see the need to lock it because I lived alone and usually only used the lock when I left something very important in there, which wasn't very often. I kept telling myself I needed to turn off the alerts when I did not lock the door but constantly forgot. Now I knew Talian was probably in the office. I didn't mind, he had to be using the computer or looking for something to read. He was not going to find much if he had entered for the latter as all the books in the office pertained to my and other werewolf packs or work. I had forgotten to tell him that the basement was basically my personal library, he'd have better luck finding something interesting to read down there.

I wondered exactly what he was doing, maybe he wanted to snoop through my stuff. Though, I doubt the fairy would need to do that considering that he could just ask the plants that had managed to live through being owned by me about anything they had witnessed during their lifetimes within the house. What a useful skill. He could spy on people without any effort. If I was an earth fairy, I would use that skill a lot. I doubted the fairies did though, considering that they mostly stayed within their clans in their cities built in the sky, above everyone else.

Four types... It was hard to believe he had all four types of magic; it was supposed to be impossible. He was proving to be very interesting. I had done more research on it after what he said and absolutely nothing came up beyond the rare duo-fairy information. Usually, if different types of fairies created a child together, the child would inherit one of their types, not both. It was not common for fairies to be with those outside of their types though, as their clans consisted of one type and they did not seem to want to blend with others.

I really did not think he was dangerous despite the combination of magic and his lack of knowledge about any of it. Based on what I'd seen from him thus far, it seemed impossible for him to hurt anything. Well, not intentionally. What I had told him was true. Usually, I could count on my intuition and I had a good feeling about him.

My attention shifted back to the front of the room to catch up on the parts of Myron's presentation I had missed. He was just talking about a few new upgrades to an existing product that the design team had proposed, I'd been there when they told him about it so had already heard all of the information he was presenting to everyone else.

Knowing that what was being said was nothing new to me, my gaze strayed back to Zev. Something about him was definitely off. He was always intensely attentive at work, especially during meetings. At the moment though, his eyes were dull as they stared at the blank screen of the tablet in his hands.

I wanted to reach out, tell him to go grab something to drink, maybe splash some water on his face. I wanted to find out the cause of his state but knew he would not say a word to me if it did not relate to work. It would even cause suspicion that I was asking about whether he was okay. We would probably just end up arguing if it had nothing to do with our pack or any of the companies. Even the thought of getting into that seemed tiring to me and he clearly did not have the energy to argue either.

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