Chapter 50 - Dinner

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I walked across the street, the bright red neon light burning my eyes slightly as I headed closer to the bar.

Months had passed between trying to find him, visiting places that seemed to have a lead and then returning to my pack to check on everyone. I ran things remotely, hopping into video meetings with my deltas when I was too far away to return in time.

It was beginning to occur to me that it may not be possible to keep looking for him while being a good Alpha to my pack. That maybe it was time to let it go and return to my life before I had ever met him, focusing only on my pack.

But I couldn't just abandon my search for Talian, especially because the leads were tied to sinister news.

Where there had never been news on what happened to Talian's old pack, news was spreading fast about clans of fairies banding together in obedience and fear as a couple of people travelled from island to island.

Fairies were known to keep to their own clans and avoid merging, even with clans that shared the same type of magic.

The mysterious pair, who seemed to go by many names, perhaps because news became so distorted as it spread, were known to threaten the clans. Making good on those threats by harming the most powerful people in said clans. It was enough to scare everyone else into submission.

I didn't want to believe it was Talian. That wasn't who he was, but the descriptions made it clear who it was. One fairy island had even been completely destroyed, fallen from the sky. Luckily the island was not above any living packs or other people.

The fairies from the island had mostly made it to safety. There were a few casualties as it was known that most fairies' wings could not last long enough to keep them in the air long enough to land safely. They had never had to fly those distances before.

I knew it was him, but I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that he would go around hurting people intentionally. Killing and causing harm.

My search for him had led to a small town where he must have been staying while travelling between islands.

It wasn't a town claimed by any particular clan, pack or race so there was a fair mix of different kinds of people. A fairy would still stick out as they tended to stay in the sky.

I had found him pretty easily. His scent was distinct to me, it stuck out as I roamed the streets. I just had to follow it. It led to a few places he had been roaming through, and then finally a little bar. I figured it would be another place he just passed through; Talian did not drink much. It was worth looking into to find out if anyone knew where he went next.

When I stepped into the bar, I felt my heart pick up in my chest at the sight of him.

I had not expected him to be inside.

It wasn't hard to spot him with his light mint hair glowing almost yellow under the neon red light above him. He was at the far end of the room, in a darker corner illuminated only by the red whereas the rest of the bar was lit up by warm light from several lamps against the walls. He sat alone.

I felt nervous staring at him, I didn't know whether to just walk up to him. I had not really decided how I would approach him. I didn't know whether I could ask about what he had been doing.

I wasn't alone in noticing the fairy in the corner.

There was a vampire who appeared to be with some friends, his eyes constantly trailing back to Talian as the group spoke about whether he should approach the lone fairy.

I wasn't the only one considering it. There were a couple of other people watching Talian like they thought he would be a good target for their Friday night ambitions.

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