Chapter 48 - I Love You

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The sound of a door opening made me stir and I began to sit up on the couch.


I rubbed my eyes, trying to clear them from sleep as Sash woke at my movements, stretching against my chest before hopping off the couch.

I had been waiting for him to return from work while watching g a movie, but it had gone dark out and I'd fallen asleep. The TV screen had gone dark too while I was out, leaving the living room lit up by the streetlamp that shone through the living room curtains.

I turned to look over when the door closed because he had not said anything and gasped.


"We're leaving. It's time." I was stunned by the answer. His face was cold, tired as though he had not been getting much sleep. His clothes were dirty and slightly worn.

I climbed off the couch to turn to him.

"What...? Where did you go? Where have you been? What happened?"

"Ashen, get your things." The name made me feel cold, detached. It reminded me of the witch I had killed... she said it before I froze her mouth.

I didn't want to be called that.

I shook my head.

"I... I'm going to stay here." He stared at me.

"What? After what you did to our clan?" He walked up to me. "Knowing how dangerous you are?"

"I-I'm not... I helped..." I mumbled, swallowing nervously. "I want to stay here... I can help them again. It'll be different..." I had gotten my powers under control since leaving the cabin, they had not flared at all. I felt like Kendrick had something to do with it. I felt calm with him, even when I was wracked with guilt. "I can control it."

The immediate reply I received was my face snapping to the side as a heavy, sharp smack struck my left cheek. I was stunned into silence as the skin stung for a minute before I realised what happened and lifted a hand to my cheek while turning my head back to look at him.

I could not remember ever being stuck like that. It left me shocked, and afraid that the blows would keep coming.

They didn't.

For the first time, I noticed his eyes brimming with tears.

"Don't you realise what you've done?!" he hissed, his voice trembling with anger and pain. "You stupid boy, she was my mother! Your grandmother! You- you killed her."


"Wasn't it enough to end our entire clan? You think you can help here?!" he let out a cough of utter disbelief before looking back at me. "I've been suppressing your memories because I know that part of you is too sensitive to bear the weight of what you did, but you should know what you're capable of, Ashen. You're no hero. No helper. No saviour. You're a ticking time bomb, always have been. The best you can do is use that explosion on something worthwhile again."

Explosion? Again?

"I think it's time you remember."

I flinched, expecting another smack when he reached out to me but instead, he just grabbed my head, his hands on either side, holding it tightly as his fingers dug into my skull. I began to squirm at the pain while he started to mutter a spell but froze when I suddenly felt a single, quaking beat run through me.

It was followed by a rush of colour in my head, a slew of pictures and noises. I couldn't control it or slow it down, there was so much. My head began to hurt as images flashed through it and I shut my eyes, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of memories.

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