34 ☠️

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I honestly didn't even know what was going on. I could feel the wind all around us, yet Seungmin and I were holding onto each other like never before, still stuck to each other. Seungmin legs were wrapped around my body as well, only barely preventing us from being actually separated. My arms and hands were hurting like hell, as if I was being shot constantly, but I couldn't let go. I had to hold onto him. If I were to let go, we might both never make it back. Even though there was only a small chance, being together still felt safer.

Breathing was getting more and more difficult by the second, even though time passing seemed to be altered from what I normally knew. Seconds felt like hours now. The fabric covering my mouth was only barely holding on, even though my face was buried in Seungmin's chest. My mind suddenly went blank, only one thing on my mind. If I could barely breathe, even all covered up, what about Seungmin. I managed to open my eyes ever so slightly, seeing Seungmin without a mask, holding everything shut tight.

"SEUNGMIN!" I yelled out. His skin color was slowly fading, if not turning purple at this point. I had to shut my eyes again, sand burning into it. If I didn't do something, he was going to die. But what. If I risked taking off my mask and putting it on him, we could get separated, so letting go of him for the mask wasn't going to be easy. Still, I had to try. With a lot of effort, I brought one arm to my mask, taking a big breath before taking off the mask.

Shit, how was I even supposed to get it on him? He didn't seem to be breathing at all! I was able to wrap it around one ear, but as soon as I tried to bring it to the other side, the first had let go already. "FUCK," I yelled again. This wasn't going to work either. I brought it back over my own mouth, taking another breath before putting my mouth on his, sharing my last breath with him. My mask had been blown away as well at this point, his grip weakened, leaving the biggest work to me. Please, just a little longer... we can't go like this... I couldn't die just yet...

While I could feel my grip slowly slip away, Seungmin's just now tightened around me, bringing his lips back to mine, exhaling into mine again. His lift felt soft, like the tingling of a feather against your skin, the only soft thing in these harsh winds. His breath felt hot in my mouth, almost intoxicating me with the cold sharp wind outside. As if the cold melted away, just because of him. My eyes were continously closed, making me unprepared for the sudden return of gravity beneath us. Without a second thought, Seungmin brought my head back to his chest as we both fell to the ground.

Even though it was in all sand, the landing was still harshly, meaning we must have gotten quite high off the ground into the storm. My arms felt completely crushed underneath our bodies, but if it meant softening Seungmin's landing, who was taking most of the hit, it was well worth it. I yelled out in pain, my voice muffled in the fabric of Seungmin's shirt. I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold back all of the screaming and crying. "Seungmin!" I managed to get out, my voice still hoarse, trying to catch a breath. "Seungmin!" I whisper-yelled again, barely anything coming out.

His arms were still around me tightly, his left hand gripping onto my waist, his right tangled in my hair. "Seungmin, are you okay?" The tears were still flowing down as I finally brought my head up, eyes opening now to look at him. He still had his eyes closed, his mouth slightly agape. "Please tell me you're alive," I cried out, flinching as soon as I felt his grip slip away. The silence was killing me even more with the second, my mind completely blank.

Is he even breathing? Was his heart still beating? I pressed two of my fingers against his throat, trying to feel a pulse. Though I could still feel a weak one, I couldn't seem to hear any breathing, nor see his chest rising or falling. Without another thought, I pressed my lips against his once more, hoping desperately to give him enough oxygen this way until he'd hopefully start breathing on his own again. I pulled away for a split second to breathe, once more going back in to give him back the breath he saved me with just now.

Before I knew it, his hands were up again, cupping my face. I pulled away as quickly as I could, seeing his eyes open again. "You're alive!" I yelled out, the tears that had slowed down earlier rolling down my face faster than before. "We made it," I added, still trying to convince myself we were actually alright. The storm had passed again.

"Seungmin! Y/N!" a distant voice yelled our names, but I couldn't even be bothered with it as Seungmin once more pulled me towards him, laying be back on his body. "Please let me stay like this for just a little longer," he pleaded, his voice cracked. "I don't know if I can get up just yet," he said right after. His grip still felt weak to the touch, but I couldn't argue with him. My body felt too weak to truly get up too. Everything seemed to hurt, though the soft feeling on my lips had never left.

We might have just saved each other's lives.

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