35 ☠️

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"Y/N, Seungmin, are you guys okay?" Felix shouted, being the first to get to us. He pulled my body up quickly, out of Seungmin's grip, who was pulled up right after by Chan. My body fell right into Felix's, still feeling weak after holding on so tightly before. "Careful," Seungmin warned, his voice still not back to normal. "What on earth happened back there?" Chan asked Seungmin, investigating his body from head to toe. "My body suddenly froze, my muscles tensed up. I fell down, taking Y/N with me in it," Seungmin explained.

His eyes went to Felix, looking at him with a piercing gaze. "Had we not held onto each other so tightly, and had we not shared those breath of life kisses, we wouldn't have survived. My mask flew off while protecting Y/N, so she saved me instead." All eyes were suddenly on me, my face heating up bright red. Did he really have to call it that? The rest was suddenly awfully quiet, until Jeongin spoke up. "All that matters is that you're safe now," he eased the tension that has risen, especially between Felix and Seungmin. "Come on, let's get going, the sooner we get this stone in the plate, the sooner we can get you two treated."

Chan pat Changbin on the shoulder, hinting he would carry Seungmin, as Changbin had done so earlier. Changbin's eyes fell on me, but Felix had already lifted me up in the meantime, my head resting on his shoulder, my around around his neck, my legs being wrapped around his waist. "You should rest out Y/N, just close your eyes. I'll take care of it all, so don't worry," Felix whispered, being the first one to start walking again. All was quiet again now, the only sound coming from the storm that was still moving further and further away.

"Felix," I muttered softly under my breath. The others had slowly begun to chat as well, so talking to him now wouldn't stand out at all. "Yeah? What is it?" he asked back, his deep voice now having a honey sweet tone instead of his normal raspy one. It was really soothing to listen to. He should do something with voice acting or singing, suddenly crossed my mind. "I told Seungmin," I added, my eyes still closed. I could feel Felix's body stiffen under mine, though it didn't seem to last for long. "But don't worry, I don't think anyone else was able to hear it," I hinted towards the viewers. I hadn't even had the time nor the strength to check the comments and donations, but I just sincerely hoped it was alright.

Instead, I could feel Felix lift his head up, checking them for me. This time, he did actually come to an abrupt stop, the other's behind us almost walking past us. "What's wrong?" Chan asked, becoming quiet right after. I could hear a gasp from behind me, almost forcing me to check out just what had captured their attention. Did I screw up after all? I finally opened my eyes again, adjusting to the bright sunlight shining in my face. I tilted my face up to the sky, watching as not only the comments were going crazy, but the donations more than doubled as well. Without us even knowing, we had already received just over 4 million won.

"So you've finally noticed haven't you?" Sir's voice sounded over the intercom. "I have to say, that was a touching moment you had there, Seungmin and Y/N. Sharing a kiss to survive, how romantic," he rattled on, swooning over the moment as if it hadn't almost killed us. "I guess all of the viewers agree, judging from all of their generous donations. It truly is the thrill that gets people going isn't it? I think Y/N had already learned that." He was referring to me and Felix, wasn't he? He knew all too well what he was doing, and yet disguising it so that the others still wouldn't know. Thankfully for me, none of the comments seemed to give it away either, other than some vague hints about my according to them romantic life. They really must not have been able to hear my confession to Seungmin.

"Now, as generous as I am, I already sent the drones on their way with your new packages, some even inspired by our lovely viewers. Be sure to use them well," he seemed to make an end to it. "Good luck to our dear contestants." A clicking sound noted the end of the transmission. As if on cue, the whirring sound of the drones wasn't hard to spot as the three closing in now, each carrying one cardboard box. "You can put me down," I told Felix, too eager to see what was sent to keep watching from a distance. After a little bit of hesitation from Felix's side, he carefully put me down, sure to hold onto me though to not let me fall.

I rushed to the first package to fall, taking the knife out of my backpack to open it. Hyunjin and Jeongin both did the same to the other packages which had dropped mere seconds after. Seungmin had crouched down next to me, his warm hand resting on my back. Mine were actual masks this time, along with goggles for protection. The masks weren't those they'd use at hospitals, but rather those you'd see when people go out skiing. The ones that covered your entire face. These at least should keep us safer were the storm to suddenly come back. It made me wonder if they just had these laying around already. "I have masks and goggles here, what about you guys?" I asked the other two, who were clearly engrossed in the content in the boxes. "I have 9 water bottles here," Hyunjin asked, holding up quite sturdy looking bottles. They were probably around a liter each, so for now we wouldn't have to worry about going thirsty. "Jeongin? What about you?"

Jeongin kept quiet, only staring at it for a couple of seconds. "Jeongin?" Minho urged him, walking over to check, falling quiet as soon as he got a look inside.

"There's an actual gun in here..."

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