36 ☠️

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"Why on earth did we get a gun?" Felix asked, the tension clearly rising. "Maybe it's for something later on. For protection, I can only assume," Chan answered calmly, realizing the mood worsened already as well. "For now let's decide who will carry it, we'll worry about what to do with it later. We already have wasted enough time, we should get to the table as quickly as possible." Minho sighed. 'Easier said than done don't you think? How on earth do we even determine that?" Chan seemed to think for a second.

"First of, I need to know who has ever used a gun, and knows how to work it. Raise your hands if you do." My hand slowly raised, my eyes scanning the area to see who else put their hands up. Chan's hand was already raised as soon as he said it, followed up by Changbin and Hyunjin. I honestly didn't know whether to be surprised or not. For some reason, you can mostly see it coming with certain people. What did catch me by surprise though, is that Jisung had his hand raised up slightly. It gave me a realization that though I was starting to know them better, I still barely knew anything about these guys.

"Quite a lot still I guess," I muttered. Chan hummed in agreement, probably wanting to narrow it down. "Now, I don't think Changbin and I will need it, Hyunjin could be, but I think it'll be mostly between Jisung and you then, Y/N." It made sense, but just at the thought of holding one again, maybe having to use it once more, already sent chills down my spine. Last time wasn't exactly fun and games after all. I let out a chuckle at my own thoughts. Like this was much better.

"Y/N should have it then," Jisung instantly argued, his voice still quiet, despite trying to be resolute. "Are you sure? Why?" Chan asked back, maybe sounding a little more suspicious than he meant to. "I don't ever want to have one of those near me again," he muttered back, still refusing to give an actual reasoning. It was probably enough reason already though, judging by how much distant he put between him and the gun. He seemed absolutely horrified just by the thought of it. That alone was enough to know he wasn't going to use it even in a situation of life and death.

"Y/N then? How well are you with one?" Chan redirected the attention to me, much to Jisungs relief. That guy really seemed to hate any sort of eyes on him. "I know how to use it well enough to be able to fire one, aim isn't too bad, but... I wouldn't say I have that much experience." One night was already enough to know that I didn't want to use it ever again either. The only difference between me and Jisung however, was that I probably would use it again if it was absolutely necessary. I just wasn't keen on it.


"Come on Y/N, it's your turn," Jeong-ho pressured me, shoving the gun into my hands. "Yeah honey, don't keep us waiting," Jeong-hui added onto it. Only three rounds were left, meaning that soon either of us was going to get shot. I honestly didn't know if this was in my favour or against it, but it in either way it beat their normal behavior. For once, the two had finally found something they both seemed to agree on involving me. Even possible death right now seemed like freedom.

Since our dad had to go out to a work party, he instructed my brothers to keep an eye on me. It wasn't that uncommon for them to be around me, the opposite actually since our mother's... accident, but for the three of us to be alone, seemingly on good terms. For once not a direct victim of their usual behavior. However, one wrong move and it could all end again, this feeling of cease fire. That meant I had to hurry, if I wanted to keep it.

But where would I point it? My head again was too tricky, with only three rounds left, out of 7 ones, one had the actual bullet in it. A fun game to pass time, they called it. Russian roulette. These days their minds seemed to he filled with gambling, wanting to be better, and most importantly; winning. Whether that was me, or this stupid game. My leg then. That seemed safe enough. Without giving myself time to think things through, I pressed it against my upper left leg, pulling the hammer back to pull the trigger.

Nothing. I was... safe? My eyes widened, looking at both of my brothers one by one. Their gazes shifting between the pistol and each other. Maybe, I wasn't so safe here after all, because either of these two, was about to lose. And twins don't lose against each other. They will do everything they can to win.


"That's settled then," Chan let out with a relieved sigh, just glad that dilemma seemed sorted out. Chan walked up to me, handing me the gun, holding his hands over mine to keep the hand firmly in my hands. Not loaded obviously. His eyes pierced right through mine, though his voice was desperate to the touch. Almost begging even.

"Take good care of this for us, Y/N."

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